This Python 3 Tkinter application combines the concept of drawing Bezier Curves to facilitate the creation of custom fonts.
The editor allows users to:
- Select custom points
- Draw Bezier Curves
- Delete 'free points'
- Delete curves
- Hide points
- Save the curve in an app-friendly .txt format
- Import previous projects
Here's an example where the letter 'A' is created using just 6 Bezier Curves. The points that create each Bezier Curve are visible as small colorful dots.
- Free Points: Red points added to the canvas when no curve is selected
- Curve SELECTED: Highlighted with 'light blue'
- Clear Points: Delete all free points
- Delete/Draw: Mode toggle for deleting curves with LEFT CLICK
- Button says DRAW: In DELETE mode
- Otherwise: In drawing mode - just LEFT CLICK to add points
- Import: Importing curve saved as .txt format (simple Python dictionary {curve_tag: [control_points]})
- Import Background: Import any .png file to redraw it on the canvas using Bezier Curves
- Show/Hide: Toggle to hide and show control points
- Button says SHOW: Exit hide mode, see the points
- Button says HIDE: Hide the points
- Connect Curves: Connect all close curves together - curve is considered 'close' when its end is 'point size' away from the beginning of the next curve
- Remove Background: Remove background you set; if there is no background, nothing happens
- Duplicate Point Mode/Add Point Mode: Toggle to add points in any place on Bezier Curve
- Button says DUPLICATE PONT MODE: In ADD POINT MODE, just create curves normally
- Button says ADD POINT MODE: You can only duplicate points on curves, no drawing ;(
- Make Bezier: Connects all 'free points' to one adjustable curve
- Curve extending/adding free points/deleting (functionality depends on MODE) (REMEMBER) - when delete mode is on you CAN'T draw, please deselect Delete Button
- Control points moving/free points moving/curve selecting/curve deselecting
- EXIT delete mode or any other mode
- If curve is selected, it will extend it
- If curve is not selected, it will just add a 'free point' (red dot)
- Font Created by Copying of one found on Pinterest - Pinterest Link
- All Build using tk inter - Tkinter Documentation
- My Github Repo -