icpc training
1) ugly no
2) LCS
3) LIS
4) edit_dist
5) minCostPath
6) coin change
- improved version with less mem is implemented which can be used
in all above cases e.g. LIS, LCS etc.
7) chain matrix multiplication
8) binomial coefficient (nCr)
9) knapsack ..............................................................(incomplete dp)
10) egg_dropping puzzle..........................................(can be improved with binomial search)
1) String permutation printing with all distinct element. (java)
1) Sieve of atkin(to find list of prime nos)
2) Prime Factors
1) Pratial sum (codeforces) ..............................................(incomplete)
2) Priority Queues
3) segmentTrees
1) Increment operator's use
2) Topological Sort
3) manual Length Calculation
1) Fenwick Tree
2) Test Bipartiteness
3) Fast Dijkstras
4) global_min_cut
5) topological sorting
# codeforces
1) 567F
2) 76E
3) CFS3E1
# __Uva__
1) p100
1) primeRing_uva524