- I'm a computer science student
- Currently pursing my engineering from Gautam Buddha University, India.
- I'm passionate about learning and building web apps. I like programming and learning about new technologies.
- Apart from these stuff i like playing chess, badminton and table tennis.
HTML | CSS | Javascript | Reactjs | Nodejs | React Native | Flutter | Python | C++ | MongoDB | MySQL | Git
- My Fellow - Educational cum social web app - MERN
- Wrap n Go - Online shopping app - MERN
- Portfolio Site - Reactjs
- Emogicon - Emoji copy app - React js
- Tech Trivia - Online Quiz Application - Reactjs, Firebase
- OTP based Attendance Backend - Node js, Express js
- CTF v1.0 - Capture the flag competition - Node js, Express js, Ejs
- Covid 19 Tracker - Reactjs
- Flutter Shopping App - Flutter , Firebase
- Daily Advice App - Flutter
- Expense Tracker App - Flutter
- Tic-Tac-Toe - Flutter tic-tac-toe game
- Brain Game - Simple 3 level brain game - Java android
- MORTH APP - MORTH APP - Participated in Smart India Hackathon 2019
- Amazon Clone - React js
- TiKtok Reel clone - React js
- E-commerce site Django - Python, Django
- GUI Proxy Switcher - Gui proxy switcher for linux - python script
- Files optimizer - Python script