GitHub API sample project written in Swift using MMVM architecture pattern without Storyboard and Xib's.
- MVVM architecture
- Unittest
- Asynchronously data fetch
- CoreData use for local storage
- Relationship manage in CoreData
- Unique constraints manage in CoreData
- Codable protocol use for read and store data with CoreData
- Pure code
- Universal interface support (iPhone & iPad)
- SnapKit is use for layout management
- Alamofire is use for network communications,
- SDWebImage use for cache image
- User List/ Search:<search_text>&page=1
- User details:<user_name>
- Followers List:<user_name>/followers
To run the GitHubAPI example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the GitHubAPI Example directory and then open GitHubAPI.xcworkspace into Xcode.