First week's class notes.
The source file in all cases is the emacs org-mode file. Org can export directly to html and markdown, and (via latex) to pdf (including beamer presentations). These files are included in the repository.
Interestingly, it's not easy to view the html files on github. One work around is to use Just add the url of the html file to, e.g.,
Another interesting tool is pandoc, which can convert between many document formats. In particular, pandoc will convert emacs org-mode files to html, markdown, and pdf (again via latex). So for example, one can run the command
pandoc -o directionalData-pandoc.html
to produce html output, and
pandoc -o directionalData-pandoc.pdf
to produce pdf output. Of course the results are not as good as can be achieved using org-mode's native exporting facilities, but that does not diminish pandoc's usefulness in a wide variety of contexts.