The first itteration of Prodio was great, it proved the concept worked. Now its time to build something real and useable out of it.
So, I'm completely refactoring the code to be reusable. I'm also switching out the UI for a React.js based UI.
Basically, for now, use at your own risk or for research :)
Prodio in Latin means to "Come forth, appear, proceed and/or project". It seemed like the prefect name for a project that hopes to help to move project management from a taboo topic into an enjoyable experience.
Prodio is NOT ready yet. Please keep an eye out though as it is making progress.
To use the CLI you will need to install it:
npm install -g prodio-cli
prodio init [name] [version] [host] [-d Description]
Project Name:
Project Description:
Project Version:
Project Host:
Project Username:
prodio set [key] [value]
prodio set username jdarling
prodio set global username jdarling
prodio pull
prodio push
prodio add [type] [value]
Type (user, task, group, note):
prodio add note to [type] [value]
Type (user, task, group, note):
prodio add user jdarling
prodio add task Document things better
prodio add note to "Document things better" This is my note
prodio remove [type] [id]
Type (user, task, group, note):
prodio remove note This is my note
prodio remove task Document things better
prodio remove user jdarling
prodio assign [type] [id] [user] [user...]
Type (user, task, group, note):
prodio assigned to
prodio assigned to me
prodio assigned to jdarling
prodio unassign [type] [id] [user] [user...]
Type (user, task, group, note):
prodio update [id] [status]
Status (started, completed, in progress):
prodio link [id] to [id]
prodio unlink [id] from [id]
prodio list [id]
Sample Output: prodio list
0) My Project
1) My Group
2) Task 1
3) Task 2
4) Note: ...
5) Note: ...
6) Group 2
7) Task 1
8) Another Task
9) Sub task
10) Note: Sub task note
11) Note: Some Note
prodio find [under id] or prodio find
Sample Output: prodio find task
2) Task 1
3) Task 2
7) Task 1
8) Another Task
9) Sub task
10) Note: Sub task note
Sample Output: prodio find task under 8
9) Sub task
10) Note: Sub task note
prodio detail [full]
Sample Output: prodio detail 8
0) My Project
6) Group 2
8) Another Task
Sample Output: prodio detail 8 full
0) My Project
6) Group 2
8) Another Task
9) Sub task
10) Note: Sub task note
11) Note: Some Note