This is the repository for the course "Learn Apache Cordova - Build Mobile Apps for Android & iOS" available on Instill Learning and Udemy.
The full course is available from
- Udemy - Video Course (
- Instill Learning - Live Training + Video Course + Hands-on Real World Projects (
Apache Cordova is an open-source mobile development framework. It allows you to use standard web technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript for cross-platform development, avoiding each mobile platform's native development language. Applications execute within wrappers targeted to each platform, and rely on standards-compliant API bindings to access each device's sensors, data, and network status."
- How to create and build (compile and package) a Cordova project using the CLI (Command Line Interface).
- How to use several Cordova APIs such as Geolocation, Contacts, and Camera.
- How to handle specific mobile challenges such as touch events, scrolling, styling, page transitions, etc.
- To publish the app on Google Play Store & App Store
- Node - v22.5.0
- npm - 10.8.2
- JDK - Microsoft Build of OpenJDK 11.0.23 LTS
- Apache cordova - 11.0.0
- cordova-android - 10.1.1
- cordova-ios - 6.2.0
- Gradle - 7.4
This repository has only master branch containing all examples. You can fork, star and clone the repository and go to individual example's root folder and run it.
Step 1: Go to and login with your email.
Step 2: Go to the Apache Cordova Repository:
$ git clone
$ cd apache-cordova-training-instilllearning
$ cd ex01-cordova-calculator
$ npm install -g cordova
$ cordova platform add browser
$ cordova run browser
$ cordova create ex01-cordova-calculator com.instilllearning.ex01 ILCalculator
$ cd ex01-cordova-calculator
$ cordova platform add android
$ cordova platform add ios
$ cordova prepare
$ cordova requirements
$ cordova build android
$ xcode-select --install
$ brew install ios-deploy
$ sudo gem install cocoapods
open ./platforms/ios/ProjectName.xcworkspace/ for example,
$ open ./platforms/ios/Ex1-Cordova-Question-Answer.xcworkspace
Create a new cordova app cordova create [project_name] [package_name] [app_name] [project_name]: ex1-cordova-question-answer [package_name]: dev.instilllearning.ex1 [App Name]: Ex1-Cordova-Question-Answer
$ cordova create ex1-cordova-question-answer dev.instilllearning.ex1 Ex1-Cordova-Question-Answer
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