Progdupeupl (PDP) is a community of French programmers and this website is its main medium. You can see the running version here.
The site being in French, user-interface strings are in french − there is no localization yet. However, to let others reuse our code, everything in the code should be in english (vars, funcs, methods, docstrings, comments, commits, everything!), and we'd rather interact in english for development (bug reports, pull requests, etc.).
As for other style matters in the code, the PEP-8 Style Guide is a good base for the Python source code of this project.
Progdupeupl (PDP) uses Django, a web framework for the Python programming language (we only support Python 3 now), but it also uses tools implemented in Ruby.
You must have at least recent-enough versions of Python 3 (at least 3.3) and Ruby installed on your system, and installation instructions will depend on your operating system. Once you've set up those base dependencies, additional packages are installed through language-specific package managers which should work similarly on all systems.
You should install Python 3.3 or 3.4, and the pip package manager. Under Debian/Ubuntu systems for example, you can use the following commands:
# apt-get install python3.3 python3.3-dev
# apt-get install python3-pip
# apt-get install python-virtualenv
You will also need Ruby, that on most systems come with its own package manager
. Again on Debian/Ubuntu:
# apt-get install ruby ruby-dev
To run Ruby gem executables, you will need to add the Ruby gem
executable directory to your $PATH
export PATH=$PATH:$(ruby -rubygems -e "puts Gem.user_dir")/bin
Which you can put in your .bashrc
or .zshrc
for convenience.
Once basic system packages have been installed, you can run the automatic bootstrap script which will create a virtualenv for you and install all Python and Ruby dependencies.
$ make bootstrap
If the bootstrap script fails, the error should appear in the build messages
(like missing "Python.h" if you forgot to install python3-dev
). Try to fix
the error and run the bootstrap make target again.
The boostrap target also have created a test database filled with example data and generated the search engine index for it. You are ready to go!
You can login with these dummy users using their lowercase usernames as their respective passwords.
You are ready to run a test server on your local machine:
$ # activate the virtual environment (no need to repeat this in a given session)
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ # run the server
(venv)$ python runserver
The test instance should be available at http://localhost:8000. It will automatically update its behavior if you edit the code of the project. Enjoy, and send us lots of good patches!
If you are very new to how virtualenv works or have a problem with virtualenv,
please read the
file in order to get some help.
In order to generate PDF files using a background task scheduler named celery, you will need to start it. A shortcut is provided in the Makefile, simply type:
$ make celery
And the celery server will start. You will also need Pandoc as PDF generator from Markdown sources.
If you add new fields to a
source file, Python will complain that
the database schema is out-of-date. To fix this, perform a schema migration
using the two following commands, replacing forum
in the line APP=forum
with the subdirectory of pdp
in which you made the modifications (article,
forum, gallery, member, messages, pages, tutorial, utils…):
(venv)$ APP=forum
(venv)$ python schemamigration pdp.$APP --auto
(venv)$ python migrate $APP
If you want to build the documentation, you will need to install Sphinx 1.3 for
its support of Google docstrings format. This version is now available in PyPI
so you can install it using pip install sphinx
Then, go in the doc/
directory and type make html
to generate the HTML
documentation of the project (mainly classes/functions documentation at the
moment but this may improve in the future).
Progdupeupl is brought to you under GNU Affero General Public Licence version 3+. For further informations please read the provided LICENSE file.