This is a Django powered web application for a hydroponics setup run on a raspberry pi.
NOTE: For Rasbian OS
Clone and enter repo:
`git clone`
`cd hydroponics`
Install pip:
`sudo apt-get install python-pip python3-pip`
Create and activate virtual environment:
`python3 -m venv venv`
`source venv/bin/activate`
Update apt-get:
`sudo apt-get update`
Enable I2C:
`sudo raspi-config`
Select: 5 Interfacing Options
Select: P5 I2C
Select: Yes
Install sensor requirements: (reboot necessary)
`sudo apt-get install python-smbus`
`sudo apt-get install i2c-tools`
Install pip requirements:
`pip install -r requirements.txt`
Install node:
`curl -sL | sudo -E bash -`
`sudo apt-get install -y nodejs`
Install gulp globally:
`sudo npm install -g gulp`
Install node requirements:
`npm install`
Create using template:
`cp hydroponics/ hydroponics/`
Enter random characters for the 'SECRET_KEY' in ``:
SECRET_KEY='super random characters'
Collect static resources for main site:
`gulp` (`gulp watch` for continuous collection)
Collect static resources for admin site:
`python collectstatic`
Install sqlite3:
`sudo apt-get install sqlite3`
Make the database:
`cd databases`
`sqlite3 db.sqlite3`
`cd ..`
Make migrations:
`python makemigrations`
Run migrations:
`python migrate`
Create a super user:
`python createsuperuser`
Populate database with default models:
`python configure_hydro`
Documentation is written with [Sphinx](
The .rst files are located in the `sphinx` folder.
To open the documentation in your browser:
`python open-docs`
To build the documentation after changes:
`python build-docs`
Install xvfb for pyvirtualdisplay:
`sudo apt-get install xvfb`
Run all tests:
`driver=chrome REMOTE_USER=admin python --keepdb test`
Run specific tests:
`driver=[driver] REMOTE_USER=admin python --keepdb testing.[test file].[test class].[test]`
Install firefox for automated tests:
`sudo apt-get update`
`sudo apt-get install firefox-esrsudo`
Update apt-get:
`sudo apt-get update`
Install lynx to check the server status:
`sudo aptitude install lynx`
Install apache2, and wsgi:
`sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3`
Enter settings dir:
`sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf`
Add the following to the config file:
Alias /static ~/pyprojects/hydroponics/static
<Directory ~/pyprojects/hydroponics/static>
Require all granted
<Directory ~/pyprojects/hydroponics/hydroponics>
Require all granted
WSGIDaemonProcess hydroponics python-path=~/pyprojects/hydroponics python-home=~/pyprojects/hydroponics/hydroponicsenv
WSGIProcessGroup hydroponics
WSGIScriptAlias / ~/pyprojects/hydroponics/hydroponics/
Create group for apache, and all users
`sudo groupadd super_group`
`sudo gpasswd -a www-data super_group` # if the apache user is www-data
`sudo gpasswd -a pi super_group` # if you have a user named pi
`sudo gpasswd -a foo super_group` # if you have a user named foo
Give super_group permission to access the GPIO pins:
`sudo adduser www-data gpio` # if the apache user is www-data
`sudo adduser pi gpio` # if you have a user named pi
`sudo adduser foo gpio` # if you have a user named foo
Give super_group permission to access the database:
`sudo chown :super_group ~/pyprojects/hydroponics/databases`
`sudo chown :super_group ~/pyprojects/hydroponics/databases/db.sqlite3`
`sudo chmod 664 ~/pyprojects/hydroponics/databases/db.sqlite3`
Give super_group permission to access the logs:
`sudo chown :super_group ~/pyprojects/hydroponics/logs`
`sudo chown :super_group ~/pyprojects/hydroponics/logs/db.log`
`sudo chown :super_group ~/pyprojects/hydroponics/logs/hydro.log`
`sudo chmod 664 ~/pyprojects/hydroponics/logs/db.log`
`sudo chmod 664 ~/pyprojects/hydroponics/logs/hydro.log`
Give super_group permission to access the GPIO pins:
`sudo adduser www-data gpio` # if the apache user is www-data
`sudo adduser pi gpio` # if you have a user named pi
`sudo adduser foo gpio` # if you have a user named foo
Give super_group permission to access the selenium drivers:
`sudo chown :super_group ~/pyprojects/hydroponics/testing/selenium_drivers/chromedriver`
`sudo chown :super_group ~/pyprojects/hydroponics/testing/selenium_drivers/pidriver`
`sudo chown :super_group ~/pyprojects/hydroponics/testing/selenium_drivers/phantomjs`
`sudo chmod 774 ~/pyprojects/hydroponics/testing/selenium_drivers/chromedriver`
`sudo chmod 774 ~/pyprojects/hydroponics/testing/selenium_drivers/pidriver`
`sudo chmod 774 ~/pyprojects/hydroponics/testing/selenium_drivers/phantomjs`
Give super_group permission to access the i2c files (The number may change based on the bus):
`sudo chown :super_group /dev`
`sudo chmod 774 /dev/i2c-1`
Give super_group permission to execute along the path:
`sudo chown :super_group ~`
`sudo chown :super_group ~/pyprojects/`
`sudo chown :super_group ~/pyprojects/hydroponics`
`sudo chown :super_group ~/pyprojects/hydroponics/hydroponics`
`sudo chown :super_group ~/pyprojects/hydroponics/hydroponics/`
`sudo chmod 774 ~/pyprojects/hydroponics/hydroponics/`
Add the name localhost to the new servername config file:
`echo "serverName localhost" | sudo tee /etc/apache2/conf-available/servername.conf`
Enable the servername config file:
`sudo a2enconf servername`
Reload apache:
`sudo service apache2 reload`
Reolad the apache daemon:
`sudo systemctl daemon-reload`
Restart apache to finalize configuration:
`sudo service apache2 restart`
`sudo apachectl start`
`sudo apachectl stop`
`sudo apachectl restart`
Add to /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf:
Kill current process:
`sudo pkill wpa_supplicant`
Restart process:
`sudo wpa_supplicant -D nl80211 -i wlan0 -c wpa_supplicant.conf`
Enable changes:
ctrl+c and reboot