A Java Graphical-User-Interface (GUI) application that manages a list of contacts by interacting with an SQL database. Contact details may include name, multiple addresses, multiple phone numbers and birthday. User operations include:
- Searching for a contact based on any field
- Adding a new contact
- Modifying an existing contact
- Deleting an existing contact
Open Eclipse.
Select File -> Open Projects from file system -> Directory -> Choose the contact_manager folder -> Finish
In the Package Explorer tab on the left hand side, right click on contact_manager -> Java Build -> PathLibraries -> ClassPath
If the file mysql-connector-java-8.0.12.jar is already added in the ClassPath, select cancel. Else click Add JARs Select mysql-connector-java-8.0.12.jar which is located in folder ‘lib’ of the contact_manager project. Click on Apply and Close
Right click on the file ContactManagerApp.java -> Run as Java Application
Open MySQL Workbench. Run the createSchema.sql file to create the required tables
Run PopulateDatabase.java to load a list of sample contacts in your application to get started (optional). This code loads the entries from the contacts.csv file.
The application can be used now
The project consisted of implementing an application that interacts with a SQL database to store and retrieve and modify a user’s contacts
The project has been implemented in Eclipse
A Java GUI interface was chosen for implementing the contact manager application
The Java application interacts with the SQL database to retrieve, add, or modify information about contacts.
The application interacts with the SQL database using the Java Database Connection (JDBC) API in Java.
The SQL database schema was implemented in MySQL Workbench.
The schema for the application database was made as per the requirements given. The SQL database ‘contact_list’ consists of four relation tables: contact, address, phone, and date.
The contents of the contacts.csv file given were imported into the MySQL database under different tables(relations).
A JFrame Object was used to design the window which displays the contacts. The contacts are displayed in the JFrame using a JTable Object. It includes:
- a Search button for searching for contact(s)
- a Add Contact button for adding a new contact
- a Modify Contact button for modifying a contact
- A View Contact button for viewing a contact's information
A JDialog object was used to retrieve information from the user to add a new contact/modify an existing contact. JLabels, JButtons and JTextField objects are used to acquire user input in the JDialog Object. It includes:
- An OK button for saving the new/modifying information
- A cancel button to return to the search interface
The application code consists of 4 java classes:
- ContactDAO.java, which contains methods to interact with the SQL database using JDBC
- ContactForm.java, which creates an object that represents a contact every time we require to pass to and from the SQL database via the methods in ContactDAO
- ContactTableModel.java, which is a class responsible for displaying all contacts/ contacts which are searched for in the JTable of the JFrame object
- ContactManagerApp.java, which creates a JFrame object and starts the application
- AddContact.java, which creates a JDialog object for adding a contact to the database
The ContactDAO class contains methods such as searchForContact(contact), getAllContacts(), modifyContact(contact) and addContact(contact) which interface with the SQL database.
The application can be accessed by running the ContactManagerApp.java class.