Collection of Docker resources for Kafka in a sandbox environment
This is based on original work done by wurstmeister
Please check out the repo here:
I have made some modifications to fit some of my use-cases and to make local development a little bit easier.
To start the stack run:
# Downloads images, allocates network, and starts all containers
# in the background.
docker-compose up -d
To view logs at any time:
docker-compose logs -f
To start a shell to interact
Once inside of the shell you can run the commands detailed here in the Testing section:
# Create a topic called "topic"
$KAFKA_HOME/bin/ --create --topic topic \
--partitions 4 --zookeeper $ZK --replication-factor 1
# Check to make sure that topic exists
$KAFKA_HOME/bin/ --describe --topic topic --zookeeper $ZK
# Start producer
$KAFKA_HOME/bin/ --topic=topic \
Anything typed in the stdin will be sent as a message to the topic
In a separate tab/window navigate to the cloned kafcker directory and run the following commands:
# Start shell
# Start consumer
$KAFKA_HOME/bin/ --topic=topic \
Any messages sent via the producer, should be seen in the consumer window/tab.