Based from the Underscores theme, but modified to use Bourbon, Neat and Bitters along with Gulp for Sass preprocessing, autoprefixer, concatenation and livereload.
- Set up your wp-config.php file to point to your database with the correct credentials.
- Install Dependencies by running 'npm install' from the terminal cd'ed to the theme directory.
- If you haven't run gulp before, run
npm install -g gulp
to install to your computer - Run
in terminal to compile the Sass files, minify scripts, etc.
To use Livereload, run gulp watch
then click the Chrome Extension button for Livereload. Any changes to your files will instantly show up in your browser on save.
runs gulp to build for dev
gulp build
builds for production (standard tasks + uglify)
gulp watch
auto compile Sass and Javascript files on save with livereload.