A simple library to embed an ActiveMQ instance in your clojure application.
(ns user (:require [com.puppetlabs.mq :refer :all]))
;; Create and start a broker
(def my-broker (doto (build-embedded-broker "my-broker" "/tmp/broker-storage")
(.setUseJmx false)
(.setPersistent false)))
(start-broker! my-broker)
;; Connect to the broker:
(def connection (connect! "vm://my-broker"))
;; Publish a message to the "hello-world" queue:
(connect-and-publish! connection "hello-world" "Hello, World!")
;; Retrieve the published message from the queue:
(bounded-drain-into-vec! connection "hello-world" 1)
;; => ["Hello, World!"]
;; Stop the broker
(stop-broker! my-broker)
;; delete the storage directory
(clojure.java.shell/sh "rm" "-r" "/tmp/broker-storage")
;; done this way for brevity; IRL do this with e.g. https://clojars.org/fs
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Distributed under the Apache License, version 2.