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ETL overview

  • extract gurume category from gurume.txt
  • extract gurume list from gurume.txt
  • transform gurume list to json format like below ?? a.k.a gurume.json
  • load gurume.json on elasticsearch
// gurume.json example (v0.0.1)
    "category": [
        {"name": "소고기"},
        {"name": "숙성 고기집"}
    "town": "서초동",
    "station": [
        {"name": "강남역"}
    "name": "어사담",
    "note": "드라이에이징"


  • ETL pipeline
  • design ES mapping
  • ES cloudsetup
    • add user dictionary (category, station, town)
    • create api client role
  • Backend ES client
  • Frontend app
  • AWS ECS setup
  • jenkins build / deploy pipeline


## check exception case
go run main.go gurume.txt | grep -v 'info\|review\|hotel' | grep exception

## expcetion case update gurume.txt

## add 노포식당 handling

## WARN!! - ZERO WIDTH SPACE, must handle (U+200B)

## generate processed txt
## 1. build images (you can skip it when using local go env)
docker-compose build gurume 

## 2. process gurume.txt -> gurume.processed.1.txt
### local env case
go run main.go formatData --file gurume.txt

### docker-compose env case
docker-compose run --rm gurume formatData --file gurume.txt

transform gurume list to json format

### local env case
go run main.go formatJSON

### docker-compose env case
docker-compose run --rm gurume formatJSON

## 3. check file
head -n2 data/gurume.processed.1.json | jq
  "category": "평양냉면",
  "station": "을지로 3가역",
  "town": "입정동",
  "name": "을지면옥"
  "category": "평양냉면",
  "station": "압구정역, 학동역",
  "town": "논현동",
  "name": "논현동 평양면옥"

gurume.json on elasticsearch

## build es
docker-compose build elasticsearch2 elasticsearch3 elasticsearch

## cluster up
docker-compose up -d elasticsearch2 elasticsearch3 elasticsearch

## bulk request to ES
docker-compose run --rm gurume ingestES

## mapping check
curl localhost:9200/gurume_index/_mapping | jq

## search test
curl \
 -H 'Content-Type: application/json'\
 -X POST 'localhost:9200/gurume_index/gurume/_search'\
 --data '{ "from": 0, "size": 30, "query" : { "match" : { "" : "닭곰탕" } }}' | jq '.hits.hits[]._source.category'

curl \
 -H 'Content-Type: application/json'\
 -X POST 'localhost:9200/gurume_index/gurume/_search'\
 --data '{ "from": 0, "size": 30, "query" : { "match" : { "" : "을지로 4가역" } }}' | jq '.hits.hits[]._source.station'

elastic cloud (optional)

# .env example
  • ingest data to ES cluster
## bulk request to ES
docker-compose run --rm gurume ingestES

Backend - elasticsearch client (golang)

  • API check in local env
### local env case
go run main.go api

### docker-compose env case
docker-compose run --rm gurume api
  • Docker image build and push (manual)
## FYI, it will be automated by build pipeline
docker build -t pureugong/gurume:latest  .
$(aws --profile pureugong-gurume  ecr get-login --no-include-email)
docker tag pureugong/gurume:latest {aws-ecr-host}/{ecr-repo-name}:{version}
docker push {aws-ecr-host}/{ecr-repo-name}:{version}

Frontend - (vue)


  • S3 bucket
  • routing
  • build pipeline
  • autocomplete tag