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Repository files navigation

CS50W Web Programming with Python and JavaScript

About this app

I created an application similar to Google Classroom. Even though I made an application like Google Classroom, my application looks not completely the same as Google Classroom. The reason I made this application is because I think this application is quite challenging to make. In this application teachers can create classes, then post materials and assignments. Meanwhile, students can comment on material posts and can submit assignments.

Distinctiveness and Complexity

I believe my application meets the specified requirements because it differs from the other projects in this course in terms of themes, features, and database structure. As for the theme, my application has a theme about education which is of course different from other projects in this course. In terms of features, this application has several features such as creating classes, adding tasks (for teachers/authors), adding materials (for teachers/authors), submit tasks (for students/members), commenting on material posts, and returning tasks (for teachers/authors). In addition, this application database has a structure that has a different level of difficulty from the other projects in this course, so there is the use of OR and UNION in this application's database queries.

This application was built using Django to create a backend consisting of 9 models, 33 routes, and many pages. For the front-end, I use Javascript to post, retrieve, and expand comments on material posts, display dialogs and clear dues in add-task.html, display dialogs for editing and displaying class information, and for joining classes. All pages in this application are mobile-responsive using Bootstrap and CSS

Files explanation

  • classroom main application directory
    • for registration of Class, Material, MaterialComment, MaterialFile, Task, TaskFile, TaskSubmit, TaskSubmitFile and User models for access in admin page
    • application views
      • Function generate_clas_code for generate class code randomly
      • Function context_breadcrumb serves to create a list of breadcrumbs in the dict data type so that the template can directly display it
      • Class AuthView used to redirect page to index if already logged in
      • Class GeneralView serves to check whether the user is logged in or not, if not, it will redirect to the login page
      • Class ClasRouteView serves to check whether the user is included in the member list or whether he is the author in the intended class, otherwise it will return HttpForbidden
      • Class LoginView, RegisterView, and LogoutView used for login, register, and logout
      • Class IndexView used to display the main page
      • Class AddClasView, EditClasView, DeleteClasView for add, edit and delete classes
      • Function join_clas for join class with JSON request format
      • Class MaterialsView, AddMaterialView, and DeleteMaterialView serves to display, add, and delete material
      • Class MaterialFileView, TaskFileView, and TaskSubmissionFileView serves to download files of materials, tasks, and task submissions
      • Function material_comment serves to add comments to material posts by accepting requests in JSON format
      • Class TaskView, AddTaskView, and DeleteTaskView for display, add, and delete tasks
      • Class TaskDetailView used to display details of tasks and collect assignments for users who are members
      • Class AddTaskFileView, ChangeTaskFileView, and DeleteTaskFileView for add, replace, and clean files from task submission
      • Class SubmitTaskView dan UnSubmitTaskView used for submitting and unsubmitting tasks
      • Class TaskSubmissionView used to display a list of members who were given the task
      • Class TaskSubmissionDetailView serves to display the details of submissions made by members/students
      • Class ReturnTaskView serves to return the assignment of members/students
    • templates/classroom contains application templates
      • add-clas.html to display the add class form
      • add-material.html to display the add material form
      • add-task.html to display the add task form
      • comment.html to display the comment view
      • header-info.html to display card headers on material and task pages
      • index.html to display the main page
      • layout-auth.html to create authorization display section
      • layout-main.html to create the main display section
      • layout.html as base view
      • login.html to display the login form
      • materials.html to display the material list
      • nav-clas.html to navigate between material pages and tasks
      • nav-task.html for navigation between task detail pages and task submission lists
      • register.html to display the registration form
      • task-detail.html to display the details of the task
      • task-submission-detail.html to display the details of the submission
      • task-submission.html to display a list of assignment submissions
      • tasks.html to display task list
    • contains Django Models
      • Function generate_file_code for generate random filename
      • Function material_directory_path, task_directory_path, task_submit_directory_path for define path and filename
      • User model for saving user information
      • Clas model for saving class
      • Material model for saving material posts
      • Task model for saving task posts
      • MaterialFile model for save the file information that is in the material
      • TaskFile model for save the file information that is in the task
      • MaterialComment model for save comments on material posts
      • TaskSubmit model for save assignment submission information
      • TaskSubmitFile model for save the file information that is in the assignment submission
    • for define forms
    • for all application URLs
    • static/classroom contains static content
      • app.js for post, retrieve, and expand comments on material posts via ajax, display dialogs and clean up for dues in add-task.html, and to join classes via ajax
      • styles.css for styling website
  • capstone project directory
    • contains project settings
      • In INSTALLED_APPS i added 'classroom' to register my app, 'django_cleanup.apps.CleanupConfig' to register django-cleanup package to my app, and 'django.contrib.humanize' for register Django template filters
      • AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'classroom.User' to change the default user model to my own user model
      • MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'media') to change the server path to save files on the computer
      • MEDIA_URL = '/media/' to change the reference URL for the browser to access files via Http
      • LOGIN_URL = '/login' overrides the URL or named URL pattern where the request is redirected to login when using the login_required() decorator
      • MESSAGE_TAGS = { messages.ERROR: 'danger' } for change the default tags for message level
      • import os, from pathlib import Path, and from django.contrib.messages import constants as messages to import packages
      • I added path('', include('classroom.urls')) to include my app's URLConf
  • .gitignore to ignore files from git
  • requirements.txt list all of the modules need for Django project to work

How to run the application

  • Install the project dependencies with pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Make and apply migrations by running python makemigrations and python migrate.

Any other additional information the staff should know

  • Naming models, variables, classes, and others that use 'class' names are replaced with 'clas' so as not to conflict with reserved keywords
  • django-cleanup package is used to automatically deletes files for FileField, ImageField and subclasses