Built for Code Challenge 38 - Build Your Own Hacktoberfest Checker With Bottle
It's a Hacktoberfest like checker that does two things:
- Shows open PRs for PyBites Code Challenges (repo) - typically for running month.
- Type in a name and find PRs for the user submitted current month (so we have a bit of Hacktoberfest year round)
Deployed to https://pybites-prs.herokuapp.com/.
Fork this repo if you want to extend it. To deploy it to Heroku:
- heroku apps:create app-name
- chmod a+x app.py
- echo 'web: python ./app.py' > Procfile
- echo 'python-3.6.2' > runtime.txt
- pip freeze > requirements.txt
- git add .
- git commit -m "heroku prep"
- git push heroku master
- heroku config:set APP_LOCATION=heroku
- heroku config:set GH_USER=abc
- heroku config:set GH_PW=def