If you are using VSCode and remote-containers extension, you are ready to go. Simply reopen in container.
If not, you can use the .misc/docker/dev/docker-compose.yml
docker-compose -f .misc/docker/dev/docker-compose.yml up -d
docker-compose -f .misc/docker/dev/docker-compose.yml exec asis bash
Use the following command:
mix setup
If you only want to update the dependencies, use:
mix update.deps
Additionally, to seed data, use:
# Seed everything
mix seed
# Seed synchronously (single thread)
mix seed sync
# Seed everything from a module
mix seed geo
# Seed an entity from a module
mix seed geo.world
# Seed multiple entities or modules
mix seed icd_10 geo.city registries
# Seed multiple entities or modules synchronously (single thread)
mix seed sync consolidations geo.country registries.birth_registry
To start the server:
mix start
To drop the database, seed, and start the server, use:
mix reseed
mix start
Remember to stop the metabase container before performing any operation that drops the database:
docker-compose -f .misc/docker/dev/docker-compose.yml stop metabase