This is a tools for assessing N2O isotopocule fluxes and quality assurance from QCL data. It's developped by the Sustainable Agroecosystem (SAE) group at ETH Zurich.
Scripts and sections:
- Define isotope standards (international and lab standards)
- Read in the raw data from the QCL (implemented for Aerodyne QCLs - .stc and .str files) ... and merge
- Aggregate the data to user defined timesteps
- Define time vectors/formats
- Calculate isotope ratios and delta values
- Offset correction
- Dilution correction
- Calculate fluxes by chamber
- Calculate source signature (Keeling plots)
- Fig. 1: Dilution validation plot (checks how the dilution calibration was performed)
- Fig. 2: Anchor-span plot (checks how the corrections perform against the reference gas)
- Fig. 3: Keeling plot (Shows the concentration increase of a certain chamber with the corresponding keeling plot for the measured species)
- Fig. 4.1: Chamber fluxes vs time
- Fig. 4.2: Flux size vs. keeling plot delta values
- Simulates concentration increase and estimates the reliability of the source signuature calculation by Keeling plots (mixing model).
- Estimates minimal required flux for reliable delta values by Monte Carlo Simulation
its only a raw R script, that has not been turned into a function or package yet!
The sample dataset available is from a Aerodyne QCL used in a greenhouse plant variety experiment measuring soil gas emissions by automated static chambers.
no accepted publications yet
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