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Setup Disable Channel

Jan "Yenya" Kasprzak edited this page May 28, 2020 · 3 revisions

Disable Channel Using a Switch

This is a frequently requested feature for FlyPlus developers:

It can be set up with standard FlySky firmware mixes, no special FlyPlus feature is required:


For example, let's assume that we want to configure enabling or disabling of VrA potentiometer by a switch SwA.

Firstly, set up VrA as Ch5, and SwA as Ch6:

Key → Aux Channels
   Channel 5: VrA
   Channel 6: SwA

Then use one of the mixes as follows:

Key → Mix → Mix 1
   Mix is    On
   Master    Ch6
   Slave     Ch5
   Pos. mix  100%
   Neg. mix  100%
   Offset    -50%
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