An interactive world-map that has been used in live Cyber Threat interfaces. This version is very responsive (drag, click, zoom, rotate, and scale). Also, you can move to any country by the ISO ALPHA 3 code.
If you are using the old qb-worldmap, please switch to the new version!
<script src="scripts/qbworldmap.js"></script>
<div id="qb-worldmap-svg"></div>
// svg element ID
// world_type map type (still working on transitioning it)
// selected_countries, list of countries to highlight
// height map height
// width map width
// css_style custom style
// orginal_country_color countries colors
// clicked_country_color current country or a chosen one
// selected_country_color countries that are highlighted, verbose
// location world-atlas JSON location (CDN)
// verbose output verbose msgs
qb_worldmap("#qb-worldmap-svg", null, ["156", "840"], window.innerHeight, window.innerWidth, null, "#cccccc", "#FFFF99", "#ff726f", null, true)
// country_code_3 ISO ALPHA 3 code
get_current_subject() This function will retrieve the current selected country
By using this framework, you are accepting the license terms of each package listed below: D3, fontawesome, jquery, javascript, topojson, world-atlas