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Character Miniatures

Colin Halseth edited this page May 16, 2021 · 2 revisions

Players often need miniatures representing their character on a board or a grid for the environment. These miniatures can help Players visualize a space particularly in situations where there are lots of different actors in a scene. Many players for other kinds of role-playing games can purchase custom ordered plastic versions of their characters. However, given the niche nature of this particular game, there is no great solution for physical miniatures. To overcome this limitation is a small way, TrekSharp allows for the creation of pixel art based paper tokens that can serve as miniatures on a physical board.

Creating Character Art

From any Player or Support character's character's sheet there will be a button + Avatar that can be used to create a pixel art representation of that character. The creator allows you to select from various pixel art shapes and colours to create whatever artwork you desire.

Printing a Miniature

From the pixel art creator page you can use your browser's print-to-pdf function to print a token representation of the character using the pixel art. Once printed, these representations can be cut out of the paper along the solid lines, and folded along the dotted lines so that the tokens can stand up vertically. When stood up they should measure approximately 1 inch x 1 inch x 1.18 inches which is similar to the sizes of other physical miniatures.

To conserve paper, you can print all your miniature tokens at once fitting as many as possible on each page. From the character art creator, locate the print-to-pdf notification along the top of the page. This notification contains a link to a page which will show you all of the character art you have created. If you print this page then it will print all of that art at once.