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Tracking Advantages and Complications

Colin Halseth edited this page May 28, 2021 · 1 revision

Advantages are traits which are inherently beneficial for a character. Complications are traits that are detrimental for characters. In a given scene characters can have many different Advantages and Complications applied to them and keeping track of them can be a challenge if there is a large number of them.

Tracking Advantages and Complications can be done on any character's character sheet using the Condition tab. By default, the Condition tab will display some common examples of Advantages and Complications which can be toggled on or off. These include things like being incapacitated from an injury, or being invisible as the result of using a personal cloaking device.

However, Advantages and Complications in this system are more free-form and can be virtually anything. For instance a character could suffer a "sprained ankle" that hinders their fitness tasks. For tracking these custom Advantages and Complications you can use the Custom Condition section on the Condition tab to create a name for the condition, and then describe the advantage or complication it imposes on the character. Adding the custom condition will have it show up in the list with the rest of pre-existing conditions.

To delete a custom condition use the dropdown to expand the custom condition's description and press the x button.