What's Changed
- remove example ci/cd by @bohrasd in #479
- fix image ALLOW_TYPE don`t show folders by @zhangshanwen in #482
- vue-i18n && NewLiveFilterItem && pagebuilder history.back && pagebuilder i18n by @molon in #483
- Fix example post edit body wrong by @ZLValien in #484
- media add wrap saver by @zhangshanwen in #485
- fix field builder clone by @zhangshanwen in #487
- Support listing button label i18n by @ZLValien in #488
- profile: add optional rename callback && WrapSubtitleCompo by @molon in #489
- Fix section duplicate portal by @ZLValien in #486
- pagebuilder add DisabledNormalContainersGroup by @zhangshanwen in #490
- add URLNoCached by @zhangshanwen in #491
- Fix cancel edit display wrong section title by @ZLValien in #492
- fix media choose file select by @zhangshanwen in #493
- listing: refactor current active && publish: keep current active item style by @molon in #496
- Fix delete version message JP wrong by @ZLValien in #495
- upgrade x by @xuxinx in #494
- add change drawer data can`t close direct by @zhangshanwen in #497
- add missing Clear i18n for datepicker by @molon in #498
- fix update js error by @zhangshanwen in #499
- fix media choose file can`t enter folder;rename confirm by @zhangshanwen in #500
- Feat UI reborn by @danni-cool in #501
- fix doupdate use confirm script by @zhangshanwen in #502
- feat: support progressBar drived by isReloadingPage param by @danni-cool in #503
- fix media button sucking by @zhangshanwen in #504
- upgrade x by @xuxinx in #505
- Feat UI reborn by @danni-cool in #506
- no url set cached url empty string by @zhangshanwen in #509
- back-btn: determine whether to go back based on history.last by @molon in #510
- style: confirm dialog adjusting by @danni-cool in #508
- publish: support customize StatusXXX by @molon in #512
- section: list section add row no longer save direct by @ZLValien in #511
- activity: exclusive editing && confirmation of leaving during editing by @molon in #514
- activity: add FindLogsForTimelineFunc by @molon in #516
- style: adjusting of list-page layout by @danni-cool in #515
- change media library layout;add perm by @zhangshanwen in #517
- Feat UI reborn by @danni-cool in #519
- activity: add
field toactivity_logs
to handle complex queries by @molon in #518 - fix mediabox dialog title by @zhangshanwen in #520
- section: fix vue warn caused by a unused v-bind by @molon in #521
- fix move to just push by @zhangshanwen in #523
- presets: fix dialog scroll for detailing and editing by @molon in #522
- publish: disable button on editing && activity: reset data changed on mounted by @molon in #524
- Fix section list create wrong with nil value by @ZLValien in #525
- singleton: fix editing param id by @molon in #526
- Delete created section use cancel event by @ZLValien in #529
- activity: fix missing diff for Version.VersionName by @molon in #527
- detailing: fix missing do action permission check by @molon in #530
- pref: move progressbar to wrap func and also in the first time rendering by @danni-cool in #528
- presets: add LookUpModelBuilder and tests by @molon in #531
- publish: use OrderBy method for version list dialog by @molon in #532
- Feat UI reborn by @danni-cool in #535
- fix: pagebuilder i18n by @Transmigration-zhou in #533
- activity: new ui and ux by @molon in #534
- upgrade
x/v3 v3.0.8
by @molon in #536
Full Changelog: v3.0.3...v3.0.4