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Merge pull request #19 from quartiq/nk/servo
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jordens authored Jul 7, 2022
2 parents b84537c + 1a2196b commit 41a7bd1
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133 changes: 133 additions & 0 deletions
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from collections import namedtuple
from import DifferentialInput, DifferentialOutput, DDROutput
from migen import *

# all times in cycles
AdcParams = namedtuple(
"channels", # number of channels per lane
"lanes", # number of SDO? data lanes
# lanes need to be named alphabetically and contiguous
# (e.g. [sdoa, sdob, sdoc, sdoc] or [sdoa, sdob])
"width", # bits to transfer per channel
"t_cnvh", # CNVH duration (minimum)
"t_conv", # CONV duration (minimum)
"t_rtt", # upper estimate for clock round trip time from
# sck at the FPGA to clkout at the FPGA (cycles)
# this avoids having synchronizers and another counter
# to signal end-of transfer
# and it ensures fixed latency early in the pipeline

class Adc(Module):
"""Multi-lane, multi-channel, triggered, source-synchronous, serial
ADC interface.
* Supports ADCs like the LTC2320-16.
* Hardcoded timings.

def __init__(self, pins, params):
self.params = p = params # ADCParams = [
Signal((p.width, True), reset_less=True) for _ in range(p.channels)
] # retrieved ADC data
self.start = Signal() # start conversion and reading
self.reading = Signal() # data is being read (outputs are invalid)
self.done = Signal() # data is valid and a new conversion can be started


self.sck = sck = Signal()
self.sck_en = sck_en = Signal()
# self.clkout_in = clkout_in = Signal()
self.clkout = clkout = Signal()
self.cnvn = cnvn = Signal()
self.sdo = sdo = [Signal(), Signal()]
self.sdo2n = sdo2n = Signal() # inverted input
self.ddr_clk_synth = ddr_clk_synth = Signal(
6, reset=0b000111
) # signal to generate a 10ns period clock

if pins != None:
self.specials += [
DifferentialOutput(sck, pins.sck_n, pins.sck_p), # swapped
DifferentialInput(pins.clkout_p, pins.clkout_n, clkout),
DifferentialOutput(~cnvn, pins.cnvn_n, pins.cnvn_p), # swapped
DifferentialInput(pins.sdo_p[0], pins.sdo_n[0], sdo[0]),
DifferentialInput(pins.sdo_n[1], pins.sdo_p[1], sdo2n), # swapped
DDROutput(ddr_clk_synth[1], ddr_clk_synth[0], sck, ClockSignal("sys")),

self.comb += [
sdo[1].eq(~sdo2n), # invert due to swapped input

# set up counters for the four states CNVH, CONV, READ, RTT
t_read = 3 * p.width * p.channels // p.lanes # SDR
assert p.lanes * t_read == p.width * p.channels * 3
assert all(_ > 0 for _ in (p.t_cnvh, p.t_conv, p.t_rtt))
assert p.t_conv > 1
count = Signal(max=max(p.t_cnvh, p.t_conv, t_read, p.t_rtt), reset_less=True)
count_load =
count_done = Signal()
update = Signal()

self.comb += count_done.eq(count == 0)
self.sync += [
count.eq(count - 1),
# 6 bit barrel shifter that shifts by two each cycle
If(sck_en, Cat(ddr_clk_synth).eq(Cat(ddr_clk_synth[-2:], ddr_clk_synth))),

self.submodules.fsm = fsm = FSM("IDLE")
If(self.start, count_load.eq(p.t_cnvh - 1), NextState("CNVH")),
count_load.eq(p.t_conv - 1),
If(count_done, NextState("CONV")),
fsm.act("CONV", count_load.eq(t_read - 1), If(count_done, NextState("READ")))
count_load.eq(p.t_rtt - 1),
If(count_done, NextState("RTT")),
"RTT", # account for sck->clkout round trip time
If(count_done, update.eq(1), NextState("IDLE")),

self.clock_domains.cd_ret = ClockDomain("ret", reset_less=True)
self.comb += self.cd_ret.clk.eq(clkout)

k = p.channels // p.lanes
assert t_read == k * p.width * 3
# flip sdos because the inputs on the ADC are flipped on schematic
for i, sdo in enumerate(reversed(sdo)):
sdo_sr = Signal(2 * t_read)
self.sync.ret += [
self.sync += [
Cat(reversed([[i * k + j] for j in range(k)])).eq(sdo_sr),
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# First order IIR filter for multiple channels and profiles with one DSP and no blockram.
# DSP block with MSB aligned inputs and "round half down" rounding.
# Note: Migen translates the "out of range" pc mux selector to the last vaid mux input.

from ast import Constant
from migen import *

N_COEFF = 3 # [b0, b1, a0] number of coefficients for a first order iir

class Dsp(Module):
def __init__(self):
# xilinx dsp architecture (subset)
self.a = a = Signal((25, True), reset_less=True)
self.b = b = Signal((18, True), reset_less=True)
self.c = c = Signal((48, True), reset_less=True)
self.mux_p = mux_p = Signal() # accumulator mux
self.m = m = Signal((48, True), reset_less=True)
self.p = p = Signal((48, True), reset_less=True)
self.sync += [m.eq(a * b), p.eq(m + c), If(mux_p, p.eq(m + p))]

class Iir(Module):
def __init__(self, w_coeff, w_data, log2_a0, n_profiles, n_channels):
# input strobe signal (start processing all channels)
self.stb_in = stb_in = Signal()
self.stb_out = stb_out = Signal() # output strobe signal (all channels done)
self.inp = inp = Array(Signal((w_data, True)) for _ in range(n_channels))
self.outp = outp = Array(Signal((w_data, True)) for _ in range(n_channels))
# coeff registers for all channels and profiles
self.coeff = coeff = Array(
Array(Signal((w_coeff, True)) for _ in range(n_channels))
for _ in range(n_profiles)
for _ in range(N_COEFF)
self.offset = offset = Array(
Array(Signal((w_data, True)) for _ in range(n_channels))
for _ in range(n_profiles)
# registers for selected profile for channel
self.ch_profile = ch_profile = Array(
Signal(max=n_profiles + 1) for _ in range(n_channels)
# output hold signal for each channel
self.hold = hold = Array(Signal() for _ in range(n_channels))


# Making these registers reset less results in worsend timing.
# y1 register unique for each profile
y1 = Array(
Array(Signal((w_data, True)) for _ in range(n_channels))
for _ in range(n_profiles)
# x0, x1 registers shared for all profiles
x = Array(
Array(Signal((w_data, True)) for _ in range(n_channels))
for _ in range(N_COEFF - 1)
y0_clipped = Signal((w_data, True))
profile_index = Signal(max=n_profiles + 1)
channel_index = Signal(max=n_channels + 1)
busy = Signal()
# computation steps/pipeline:
# 0 -> load coeff[0],xy[0]
# 1 -> load coeff[1],xy[1], m0=coeff[0]*xy[0]
# 2 -> load coeff[2],xy[2], m1=coeff[1]*xy[1], p0=offset+m0
# 1(3) -> m2=coeff[2]*xy[2], p1=p0+m1
# 2(4) -> p2=p1+m2
# 3(5) -> retrieve data y0=clip(p2)?hold
step = Signal(2) # computation step
ch_profile_last_ch = Signal(max=n_profiles + 1) # auxillary signal for muxing
self.submodules.dsp = dsp = Dsp()
assert w_data <= len(dsp.b)
assert w_coeff <= len(dsp.a)
shift_c = len(dsp.a) + len(dsp.b) - w_data - (w_data - log2_a0)
shift_a = len(dsp.a) - w_coeff
shift_b = len(dsp.b) - w_data
# +1 from standard sign bit
n_sign = len(dsp.p) - len(dsp.a) - len(dsp.b) + w_data - log2_a0 + 1
c_rounding_offset = Constant((1 << shift_c - 1) - 1, shift_c)

self.sync += [
# default to 0 and set to 1 further down if computation done in this cycle
dsp.a.eq(coeff[step][profile_index][channel_index] << shift_a),
x[channel_index][step] << shift_b
), # overwritten later if at step==2
dsp.c.eq(Cat(c_rounding_offset, offset[profile_index][channel_index])),
stb_in & ~busy,
[xi[0].eq(i) for xi, i in zip(x, inp)],
step.eq(step + 1),
If(step == 1, dsp.mux_p.eq(0)),
step == 2,
channel_index.eq(channel_index + 1),
profile_index.eq(ch_profile[channel_index + 1]),
dsp.b.eq(y1[profile_index][channel_index] << shift_b),
(channel_index != 0)
& (channel_index != n_channels + 1)
& ~hold[channel_index - 1],
y1[ch_profile_last_ch][channel_index - 1].eq(y0_clipped),
# if done with all channels and last data is done
(channel_index == n_channels) & (step == 2),
[xi[1].eq(xi[0]) for xi in x],
self.comb += [
# assign extra signal for xy adressing
ch_profile_last_ch.eq(ch_profile[channel_index - 1]),
[o.eq(y1[ch_profile[ch]][ch]) for ch, o in enumerate(outp)],
# clipping to positive output range
y0_clipped.eq(dsp.p >> shift_c),
dsp.p[-n_sign:] != 0, # if out of output range
y0_clipped.eq((1 << w_data - 1) - 1),
If(dsp.p[-1] != 0, y0_clipped.eq(0)), # if negative

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