- qxj/qxj.github.com - my website based on github pages (11 months ago)
- qxj/car-rank - Car rank system for ppzc2015
- qxj/cs224n-2019 - http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs224n/
- qxj/my-config - Separated personal config files from https://github.com/qxj/jqian.git
- qxj/draw.io - draw.io personal storage
- qxj/ml-tools -
- qxj/sicp - sicp solutions
- qxj/exp-sys-toy - 一个简单的分层实验系统
- qxj/plda - Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/plda
- qxj/jqian - Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/jqian
- qxj/tumblr-mode - An Emacs major mode for tumblr.com
- bugfix app crash when press ESC during screencapture on ProfFan/Snap2LaTeX (8 months ago)
- bugfix app crash when press ESC during screencapture on ProfFan/Snap2LaTeX (8 months ago)
- typo fix on d2l-ai/d2l-zh (3 years ago)
- fix avahi compile error on coolsnowwolf/packages (4 years ago)
- locate package configuration by name on jwiegley/use-package (10 years ago)
- KaiserY/trpl-zh-cn - Rust 程序设计语言(2021 edition) (3 months ago)
- huangsg1/uncertainty-calibration - A collection of research and application papers of (uncertainty) calibration techniques. (6 months ago)
- Loyalsoldier/v2ray-rules-dat - 🦄 🎃 👻 V2Ray 路由规则文件加强版,可代替 V2Ray 官方 geoip.dat 和 geosite.dat,适用于 V2Ray、Xray-core、mihomo(Clash-Meta)、hysteria、Trojan-Go 和 leaf。Enhanced edition of V2Ray rules dat files, applicable to V2Ray, Xray-core, mihomo(Clash-Meta), hysteria, Trojan-Go and leaf. (8 months ago)
- ZiyaoGeng/RecLearn - Recommender Learning with Tensorflow2.x (11 months ago)
- dailenson/SDT - This repository is the official implementation of Disentangling Writer and Character Styles for Handwriting Generation (CVPR 2023) (11 months ago)
- kenzok8/openwrt-packages - openwrt常用软件包 (11 months ago)
- leptonai/search_with_lepton - Building a quick conversation-based search demo with Lepton AI. (1 year ago)
- karpathy/minGPT - A minimal PyTorch re-implementation of the OpenAI GPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer) training (1 year ago)
- ztxz16/fastllm - 纯c++的全平台llm加速库,支持python调用,chatglm-6B级模型单卡可达10000+token / s,支持glm, llama, moss基座,手机端流畅运行 (1 year ago)
- kf-liu/The-Art-of-Linear-Algebra-zh-CN - Graphic notes on Gilbert Strang's "Linear Algebra for Everyone", 线性代数的艺术中文版, 欢迎PR. (1 year ago)
- E-Mail: junist@gmail.com