DevSecOps projects/code which I've built and am in the process of open sourcing it. Releasing every 2-3 days.
Something I'm working on in my free time.
Run bandit SAST scans over the dvpwa (Damn Vulnerable Python Web Application) repository using GitLab CI.
#update things here regarding the 3 screenshots you added (with ref links) start a new project
stages: #denotes the stages in the pipeline. we need only one stage.
- bandit_scan #since we're running a bandit scan, it's bandit_scan :)
stage: bandit_scan #which stage does this job belong to?
image: python:3.6 #what image are we cloning to run this?
- git clone #clone DVPWA
- cd dvpwa #cd into the folder
- pip3 install bandit #install the bandit package
# Run bandit with verbose (-v), recursive (-r) so that it scans all the subdirectories too, pass the path to dvpwa, output format as json (-f), and we want to store the output file as result.json (-o)
- bandit -v -r /builds/sample_devsecops/damnvulnerablepythonapp/dvpwa -f json -o /builds/sample_devsecops/damnvulnerablepythonapp/dvpwa/result.json
artifacts: #To keep the generated output result.json as an artifact
when: always #ensure that this artifact is present even if the build fails
paths: #where to store the artifact
- /builds/sample_devsecops/damnvulnerablepythonapp/dvpwa/result.json
Clean code present in .gitlab-ci.yml
Update the YAML CI/CD Code into a repository as the .gitlab-ci.yml file.
Auto-trigger the pipeline when a commit is made to the repository and a valid .gitlab-ci.yml file is present. As indicated, Artifact is generated and uploaded.
Artifact contains bandit scan reports of the Damn Vulnerable Python Web Application as highlighted below.