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Visibility scoring

Marcus Bakker edited this page Jul 8, 2019 · 6 revisions

DeTT&CT describes 5 scores for visibility. A score may not always be a perfect fit. Use the score that fits best. The scores are explained in the table below: visibility score. This scoring table is also included in the following Excel file: scoring_table.xlsx.

Visibility scores

Score Score name Description
0 None No visibility at all.
1 Minimal Sufficient data sources with sufficient quality available to be able to see one aspect of the technique's procedures.
2 Medium Sufficient data sources with sufficient quality available to be able to see more aspects of the technique's procedures compared to "1/Minimal".
3 Good Sufficient data sources with sufficient quality available to be able to see almost all known aspects of the technique's procedures.
4 Excellent All data sources and required data quality necessary to be able to see all known aspects of the technique's procedures are available.
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