A demo Android application built using Flutter and Firebase encourages users to drink water by allowing them to log in the number of cups that they drink. The number of cups grows virtual plants.
WINNER Wolfram Award at Hack@Brown 2022
This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.
A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:
For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.
We wanted to create a means for people to do something good for the world and at the same time benefit their health.
It allows users to log in the numbers of cups of water they drink and accordingly water virtual plants.
We drew the designs/screens, built the front-end using Flutter and Dart, and built the back-end using Firebase.
Learning Firebase in a short amount of time, getting people on the same page in terms of code, Connecting the front-end and back-end.
Finishing the final product.
Learnt to work together with other programmers, learnt how to connect drawings with front-end design, learnt more about back-end, and learnt to connect front-end with back-end
- Keeping plants at certain levels give you different number of points compete with friends feature plant decay for not consistently logging water
- different kinds of plants with different levels of points
- use real-life money to save plants that died in the process of growing virtual plant
- sitter for when going on vacation/ pay people to work with you
- And also polish the product's design and source code
- cloud
- dart
- firebase
- flutter
Hackathon (Hack@Brown 2022) Final Project Submistion
- WINNER Wolfram Award at Hack@Brown 2022