Try to guess random 5-letter word - you have 5 chances (that's why it is called 5x5) and no information about category of word.
- Getting random target word for game from array with words
- 5 rows with 5 inputs (each for one letter) - after typing one letter it automatically skips to next input
- After reaching last letter in row the whole word is checked in following way:
- Letters that are in target word and are on proper position (same as in target word) in typed word are marked as proper
- Letters that are in target word but are on wrong position in typed word are marked as misplaced
- Proper letters are passed to next row and are present in next row inputs
- If typed letters (and their position) are the same as in target word then - you win
- If you reached and filled last (fifth) row and you haven't guessed the word - you lose
- ReactJS
- JavaScript (ES6)
- Passing HTML collection of empty inputs in row (excluding proper letters) - needed to navigate to next empty input in row
- Disabling every input except the one which is active (preventing from clicking on other input)
- Handle input blur problem - for example when sb goes to other browser tab and returns, then active input should be with focus automatically
- Preparing welcome screen
- Preparing game result screen
- Styling app, adding animations