Hi there, I'm Rafael Gardel - Data Scientist, Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering (USP). and passionate about modeling and programming!!
- 📝 Interests: Operational Research, Data Science
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Julia and NoSQL
- 🔍 2025 Goals: Learning more about vehicle routing problem (VRP), heuristics and metaheuristics
- ⚡ Fun fact: I love to listen music and play guitar
- Python (Numpy, Numba, Pandas, Scikit-learn, Keras, Seaborn, Plotly, Matplotlib, NLTK, Spacy, Transformers)
- SQL (Mysql, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, DBeaver)
- Power BI (Dax)
- Gurobi, Pyomo and Highs.
- Azure
- Julia
- C++
- Sql consults, ML regression, clustering and classification models, NLP, LLM, Gurobi and operations research mathematical models especialy involving VRP.
- Implementing an hybrid of genetic algorithm and simulated annealing for the vehicle routing problem in Julia
- Optimization Projects with Gurobi, Highs and Pyomo
- Simulated-annealing
- Starbucks Reviews EDA, NLP and ML
- Text based NPS Predictor
- Data Science Aplicado ao Alistamento Militar
- Analisando a Campanha Nacional de Vacinação contra Covid-19 com Data Science
- Data Science aplicado a lista de espera do SUS na cidade do Rio de janeiro
- Adult-income-dataset-analysis
You can reach me out on any channels below!