A set of function to autocomplete commands and options of the heroku gem.
Copy the functions to your ~/.bash_profile, ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc file
Close all your bash sessions and open new ones or
source ~/.bash_profile
$ heroku [TAB] # => It will show the full list of available commands
$ heroku cr[TAB] # => create
$ heroku i[TAB] # => info
$ heroku addons --[TAB]
--all --app --resource
$ heroku addons:[TAB]
add attach create destroy detach docsdowngrade
list open plans remove services upgrade
$ heroku rake[TAB] # => it will show all your rake tasks
$ heroku rake db:mi[TAB] # => db:migrate
$ heroku info --app my[TAB] # => myapp
- Make it dynamic (right know all the commands an options are hard coded)