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Stupid simple yet powerful code execution engine with support for batched test-case submissions


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Envoy (aan.voy) is a simple, performant and secure code execution engine designed from the ground up for running code as well as judging multiple test case submissions. Envoy has a straight-to-the-point API surface, configuration with sensible defaults and out-of-the-box support for a multitude of programming languages.


  • Secure sandboxed code execution
  • Stupid simple configuration for time and memory limits
  • Minimal straight to the point API Surface
  • Batched test case support

Supported Languages

This is the current list of supported languages, contributions to add or request more language support is always welcome

c, c++, csharp, elixir, erlang, go, haskell, java, javascript, kotlin, php, python2, python3, rust, scala, swift, typescript, zig

Getting Started


The recommanded way to deploy Envoy is via Docker. Envoy comes with a prebuilt docker image on dockerhub that you can directly use. a customized Docker image can always be built from the provided Dockerfile in the repository.

⚠️ For Envoy to function correctly, the Docker container must be run in privileged mode.

Running Docker in privileged mode gives all capabilities to the container, effectively disabling the security boundaries between the Docker container and the host system. This is necessary for isolate to run properly, which is the underlying sandboxing technology Envoy uses.

How to enable privileged mode depends on the environment where you are running your Docker image:

  • For running a single Docker container using the Docker CLI, you can use the --privileged flag.
  • When deploying in a Kubernetes environment, you can set privileged: true in the securityContext section of your pod specification.
  • For cloud hosted providers, the method to enable privileged mode may vary, and you should consult the specific provider's documentation.

Developing Locally / Contributing

To start local development with Envoy, it is recommended to use the provided VSCode devcontainer. This provides a complete, pre-configured development environment with all the necessary dependencies for Envoy.

Before you start, ensure the following prerequisites are met:

  1. Install Docker Desktop: VSCode devcontainers require Docker to operate. Docker Desktop is the easiest way to get Docker on your machine and it must be installed and running before proceeding.

  2. Prepare the .env file: Copy the .env.example file to a new file named .env and change the configuration values if needed.

With the prerequisites met, you can now run Envoy:

  1. Open the project in VSCode.

  2. VSCode should automatically suggest opening the project in a devcontainer. If not, you can manually launch the devcontainer by clicking on the green '><' button in the bottom-left corner and selecting 'Remote-Containers: Open Folder in Container...' or doing the same via the command-pallete.

  3. Once the devcontainer is running, start Envoy with:

    go run cmd/main.go

API Reference


By default, all API requests are publicly accessible.

Bearer Authentication can be added on all requests by providing an auth token in the server configuration by setting the SERVER_AUTH_TOKEN environment variable, as mentioned in the Configuration section.

Once an auth token is set, it must be included as a Bearer token in the Authorization header of all requests.

Example of a request with the Authorization header:

curl -i -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_token_here>' http://localhost:8080/runtimes

Get List of Available Runtimes


GET /runtimes


An array of available programming languages that can be used

  • id: the id of the runtime, this is a unique identifier for a language and is used for other requests to reference that language
  • language: the programming language
  • version: the current version of the language
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Status: 200 OK

        "id": "go",
        "language": "Go",
        "version": "1.20.3"
        "id": "javascript",
        "language": "JavaScript",
        "version": "18.16.0 (Node.js)"
        "id": "rust",
        "language": "Rust",
        "version": "1.69.0"

Run Code


POST /run


  • language: The id of the programming language.
  • code: The code to be executed.
  • options (optional): Options that can be provided to the execution environment
    • timeLimit (optional): Maximum time (in seconds) for the program execution, exceeding this limit will result in TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED status
    • memoryLimit (optional): Maximum memory (in KB) that the program can use, exceeding this limit will result in MEMORY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED status
  "language": "javascript",
  "code": "console.log('Hello, world!');",
  "options": {
    "timeLimit": 2,
    "memoryLimit": 64000


  • output: The output generated by the executed code.
  • status: The status of the code execution, and can be one of:
    • SUCCESS: the code executed successfully without any errors
    • COMPILATION_ERROR: a compilation error occured
    • TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: the program running time exceeded that set by the preconfigured limit or the provided limit in the request
    • MEMORY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: the program used memory exceeded that set by the preconfigured limit or the provided limit in the request
    • RUNTIME_ERROR: a runtime error occured
  • time (optional): The time (in seconds) the program took to execute, in case of COMPILATION_ERROR this is not provided
  • memory (optional): The memory (in KB) the program used, in case of COMPILATION_ERROR this is not provided
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Status: 200 OK

    "output": "Hello, world!\n",
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "time": 0.029,
    "memory": 11512
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Status: 200 OK

    "output": "error: cannot find macro `invalid_println` in this scope\n -->\n  |\n1 | fn main() { invalid_println!(\"Hello World!\"); }\n  |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\nerror: aborting due to previous error\n\n",
    "status": "COMPILATION_ERROR"

Judge Code


POST /judge


  • language: The id of the programming language.
  • code: The code to be executed.
  • testCases: An array containing test cases
    • input: input of the test case (stdin)
    • expectedOutput: expected output of the test case
  • options (optional): Options that can be provided to the execution environment
    • timeLimit (optional): Maximum time (in seconds) for the program execution, exceeding this limit will result in TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED status
    • memoryLimit (optional): Maximum memory (in KB) that the program can use, exceeding this limit will result in MEMORY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED status
  "language": "cpp",
  "code": "#include <iostream>; \n using namespace std; int main(){string i; cin>>i;cout<< i<<endl; return 0;}",
  "testCases": [
      "input": "1",
      "expectedOutput": "1\n"
      "input": "2",
      "expectedOutput": "2\n"
      "input": "3",
      "expectedOutput": "3\n"
      "input": "4",
      "expectedOutput": "4\n"


  • verdict: object containing the result of judging the submission
    • status: can be one of:
      • SUCCESS: all test cases passed
      • COMPILATION_ERROR: a compilation error occured
      • TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: the program running time exceeded that set by the preconfigured limit or the provided limit in the request
      • MEMORY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: the program used memory exceeded that set by the preconfigured limit or the provided limit in the request
      • RUNTIME_ERROR: a runtime error occured
      • WRONG_ANSWER: a runtime error occured
    • totalTime (optional): The aggregated total time (in seconds) took to by the program while running test cases, in case of COMPILATION_ERROR this is not provided
    • totalMemory (optional): The aggregated total memory (in KB) used by the program while running all test cases, in case of COMPILATION_ERROR this is not provided
    • input (optional): The input (stdin) for the failed test case, only provided on WRONG_ANSWER
    • output (optional): The actual output (stdout) by the program for the failed test case, only provided on WRONG_ANSWER
    • expectedOutput (optional): The expected output (stdout) for the failed test case, only provided on WRONG_ANSWER
  • results: an array containing the result of each test case, empty on COMPILATION_ERROR
    • status: can be one of:
      • SUCCESS: all test cases passed
      • TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: the program running time for the test case exceeded that set by the preconfigured limit or the provided limit in the request
      • MEMORY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: the program used memory for the test case exceeded that set by the preconfigured limit or the provided limit in the request
      • RUNTIME_ERROR: a runtime error occured
      • WRONG_ANSWER: a runtime error occured
    • time: The time (in seconds) the program took to execute the test case
    • memory: The memory (in KB) the program used to execute the test case
    • input: The input (stdin) for the test case
    • expectedOutput: The expected output (stdout) for the test case
    • output (optional): The actual output (stdout) by the program for the test case
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Status: 200 OK

    "verdict": {
        "status": "SUCCESS",
        "totalTime": 0.006,
        "totalMemory": 5432
    "results": [
            "output": "1\n",
            "expectedOutput": "1\n",
            "input": "1",
            "status": "SUCCESS",
            "time": 0.002,
            "memory": 1120
            "output": "2\n",
            "expectedOutput": "2\n",
            "input": "2",
            "status": "SUCCESS",
            "time": 0.002,
            "memory": 1292
            "output": "3\n",
            "expectedOutput": "3\n",
            "input": "3",
            "status": "SUCCESS",
            "time": 0.001,
            "memory": 1412
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Status: 200 OK

    "verdict": {
        "output": "2\n",
        "expectedOutput": "1\n",
        "input": "2",
        "status": "WRONG_ANSWER",
        "totalTime": 0.006,
        "totalMemory": 4956
    "results": [
            "output": "2\n",
            "expectedOutput": "1\n",
            "input": "2",
            "status": "WRONG_ANSWER",
            "time": 0.002,
            "memory": 932
            "output": "2\n",
            "expectedOutput": "2\n",
            "input": "2",
            "status": "SUCCESS",
            "time": 0.002,
            "memory": 1156
            "output": "3\n",
            "expectedOutput": "3\n",
            "input": "3",
            "status": "SUCCESS",
            "time": 0.001,
            "memory": 1336


All configurations are set with environment variables. Below is a table of all available configuration parameters:

Environment Variable Description Default Value
LOG_LEVEL log level. Available options are trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic info
SERVER_PORT port number that the server will use 4000
SERVER_AUTH_TOKEN (optional) If set, all requests must include this token in the Authorization header (Bearer token). None
ENGINE_WORKER_COUNT This defines the maximum number of concurrent workers running code or juding submissions. The value must be between 1 and 999. 100
ENGINE_TIME_LIMIT_SECONDS The default time limit (in seconds) for a single program run or a single test case run 2
ENGINE_MEMORY_LIMIT_KB The default memory limit (in KB) for a single program run or a single test case run 128000


Stupid simple yet powerful code execution engine with support for batched test-case submissions








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