#PowerBracelet - Simplified Kha Input Lib
A Simple input library to get you quickly started.
#How To
PowerBracelet provides several classes to interface with:
- KeyboardInput
- MouseInput
- SensorInput
- TouchInput
- GamepadInput
Each can be accessed with the powerbracelet.Input class
if (Input.keyboard.isDown(KeyCode.B)){
trace('PRESSING THE 'B' KEY');
Make sure the update function powerbracelet.Input.update is called in your update loop. It takes a delta time to process touch input durations.
#Virtual Input
In addition to the usual input, this lib provides a simple way of abstracting your input with virtual buttons and axis. Each virtual button or axis is a container that holds an input state which can then be used instead of direct input calls. This way you can allow multiple inputs do the same.
#How to
//Only call once in your code
// In the init of your system most likely
A keyboard controller :
//Usual imports
import powerbracelet.VirtualInput;
import powerbracelet.VirtualButton;
import powerbracelet.VirtualAxis;
import powerbracelet.Input;
import powerbracelet.Key;
//Create a new Virtual button
var vButton:VirtualButton;
public function new(){
vButton = VirtualInput.getButton("jump");
if(vButton == null){
vButton = new VirtualButton("jump");
//Probably called somewhere in your update loop
public function void update(){
A GamePad controller :
//Usual imports
import powerbracelet.VirtualInput;
import powerbracelet.VirtualButton;
import powerbracelet.VirtualAxis;
import powerbracelet.ButtonState;
import powerbracelet.Input;
//Create a new Virtual button
var vButton:VirtualButton;
public function new(){
//Add controller with id 0
vButton = VirtualInput.getButton("jump");
if(vButton == null){
vButton = new VirtualButton("jump");
//Probably called somewhere in your update loop
public function void update(){
//0 = first button
//Button state is the requested state to check
var isPressed:Bool = Input.gamepad.check(0,ButtonState.Pressed) ;
In your character controller
var jumpButton:VirtualButton;
public function new(){
//Add controller with id 0
jumpButton = VirtualInput.getButton("jump");
if(jumpButton == null){
throw new Error("Button isn't defined");
public function update(){
//Do jump
//Do Jump
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