Number Game Build a game in Javascript with following rules -
User has 1000 INR when he starts the game
Every try(click on start) is charged 100 INR
Game is over if user has less than 100 INR
Every try generates three random numbers, each random number is in 0-9 range
If all the numbers are odd/even (eg. 2 4 6), user gets 300 INR
If the numbers are in sequence with difference of 1 in any order (eg. 2 3 4 or 3 2 4 or 4 6 5), user gets 800 INR
If all the numbers are same (eg. 4 4 4), user gets 1000 INR
Else user gets no money
The Program of Number Game is design by using Javascript, HTML, CSS.
This project attach html and css file.