Not having the includes directory means you are using Jekyll themes.
Look in _config.yml the line that starts with "theme: " , like for example "theme: minima" and note that name.
Now you need to copy that theme includes directory into your Jekyll site directory so you can edit it. Locate that theme with: bundle show for example:
bundle show minima
It will return something like: /var/lib/gems/minima
Copy the _includes directory to your Jekyll dir.
cp -r /var/lib/gems/minima/_includes .
Open ./_includes/footer.html and locate the repeating title.
JEKYLL_ENV=production bundle exec jekyll build --destination ../site
I encountered the issue while changing global system ruby version on mac. Here are the following things I did:
- Install "Ruby Version Manager".
# Install ruby 2.7
rbenv install 2.7.1
# Make ruby 2.7 the default version
$ rbenv global 2.7.1
# Or make 2.7 the default versión only on a specific project
$ cd myproject
$ rbenv local 2.7.1
# this create a ".ruby-version" file
Go to ~/.bash_profile
file and add the following code:
export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"
eval "$(rbenv init -)"