Implementations - git, svn
Role of git/svn?
Version navigation - branches, tags
Collaboration/sharing - team work
Distributed model -- every team members has their own copy of code (repository), remote repo for sharing
Commits - tracking of all operations (Changelog)
Url:- https://github.com/rajeshsola/ci-demo https://github.com/rajeshsola/jenkins-examples
Git steps:-
Created and switched to clean dir
Place some files in this, say test.c ##Commands
mkdir hello cd hello git init git add test.c git commit -m "My first commit" #create a remote repository on github (any other provider) git remote add https://github.com/xxxx/hello-world git push -u origin master
##Adding further files
git add hello.c
git commit "adding hello.c"
git push origin master
- Signup for github
- Create a first repo,say hello-world
- Install any git software,e.g. gitforwindows.org