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Releases: rakudo/rakudo


22 Aug 17:06
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On behalf of the Rakudo development team, I’m very happy to announce the
August 2020 release of Rakudo #138. Rakudo is an implementation of
the Raku1 language.

The source tarball for this release is available from
Pre-compiled archives will be available shortly.

New in 2020.08:

  • Changes:
    • Methods name and usage-name of Parameter now return an empty Str,
      when there is no name, instead of Nil. Method default returns Code type object,
      when no default was provided instead of Any type object [c11f4b1]
    • Remove redundant (()) from [491e1de]
    • Routine done-testing of Test module returns Bool now,
      indicating if the tests passed or not [337848f]
  • Deprecations:
    • Deprecate --nqp-lib command line option,
      which had no effect for more than a year [9071653]
  • Fixes:
  • Additions:
    • Add set_parameterizer, parameterize_type, type_parameterized,
      type_parameters and type_parameter_at methods for Metamodel::Primitives [2ab9442]
  • Internal:
    • Type Parameter methods [c11f4b1]
    • Fix release pipeline to not delete the GNU/Linux build [4ad4bd3]
    • Make Rakudo::Internals::JSON up to 4.4x as fast [b60e163][43bd739]
    • Do roast-related cleanup, add quicktest make target
    • Rework tools/ to support backends [ea0c98c]
    • Make main-version.nqp a backend-specific configuration file [80b0747]
    • Add a Perl6::SysConfig class [ace5e22]
    • Simplify binary release instructions a little [27eb5ea]
    • Add tests to make sure profilers can be invoked [d7aa7e6]
    • Remove an outdated workaround from Cool implementation [a3af583]
    • Fix incorrect method call [02a8344]

The following people contributed to this release:

Vadim Belman, Juan Julián Merelo Guervós, Will "Coke" Coleda, Patrick Böker,
Elizabeth Mattijsen, Alexander Kiryuhin, stoned, Daniel Lathrop, Timo Paulssen,
Stoned Elipot, Christian Bartolomäus, Tom Browder, rir, Ben Davies,
Daniel Green, Jonathan Worthington, Paul Cochrane, Stefan Seifert,
Daniel Sockwell, Nicholas Clark, Antonio, Tobias Boege

This release implements 6.c and 6.d versions of the Raku specification.
6.c version of the language is available if you use the use v6.c
version pragma, otherwise 6.d is the default.

Upcoming releases in 2020 will include new functionality that is not
part of 6.c or 6.d specifications, available with a lexically scoped
pragma. Our goal is to ensure that anything that is tested as part of
6.c and 6.d specifications will continue to work unchanged. There may
be incremental spec releases this year as well.

If you would like to contribute or get more information, visit,, ask on the mailing list, or ask on IRC #raku on freenode.

Additionally, we invite you to make a donation to The Perl Foundation
to sponsor Raku development:
(put “Raku Core Development Fund” in the ‘Purpose’ text field)

The next release of Rakudo (#139), is tentatively scheduled for 2020-09-19.

A list of the other planned release dates is available in the
“docs/release_guide.pod” file.

The development team appreciates feedback! If you’re using Rakudo, do
get back to us. Questions, comments, suggestions for improvements, cool
discoveries, incredible hacks, or any other feedback – get in touch with
us through (the above-mentioned) mailing list or IRC channel. Enjoy!

Please note that recent releases have known issues running on the JVM.
We are working to get the JVM backend working again but do not yet have
an estimated delivery date.

  1. See


20 Jul 20:27
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On behalf of the Rakudo development team, I’m very happy to announce the
July 2020 release of Rakudo #137. Rakudo is an implementation of
the Raku1 language.

The source tarball for this release is available from
Pre-compiled archives will be available shortly.

New in 2020.07:

The following people contributed to this release:

Elizabeth Mattijsen, JJ Merelo, Timo Paulssen, Patrick Böker, Alexander Kiryuhin,
Nicholas Clark, Vadim Belman, Will "Coke" Coleda, Antonio, Ben Davies,
Christian Bartolomäus, Daniel Green, Jonathan Worthington,
Richard Hainsworth, stoned, Stefan Seifert, Daniel Sockwell,
Joshua Yeshouroun, Nick Logan, Trey Harris

This release implements 6.c and 6.d versions of the Raku specification.
6.c version of the language is available if you use the use v6.c
version pragma, otherwise 6.d is the default.

Upcoming releases in 2020 will include new functionality that is not
part of 6.c or 6.d specifications, available with a lexically scoped
pragma. Our goal is to ensure that anything that is tested as part of
6.c and 6.d specifications will continue to work unchanged. There may
be incremental spec releases this year as well.

If you would like to contribute or get more information, visit,, ask on the mailing list, or ask on IRC #raku on freenode.

Additionally, we invite you to make a donation to The Perl Foundation
to sponsor Raku development:
(put “Raku Core Development Fund” in the ‘Purpose’ text field)

The next release of Rakudo (#138), is tentatively scheduled for 2020-07-20.

A list of the other planned release dates is available in the
“docs/release_guide.pod” file.

The development team appreciates feedback! If you’re using Rakudo, do
get back to us. Questions, comments, suggestions for improvements, cool
discoveries, incredible hacks, or any other feedback – get in touch with
us through (the above-mentioned) mailing list or IRC channel. Enjoy!

Please note that recent releases have known issues running on the JVM.
We are working to get the JVM backend working again but do not yet have
an estimated delivery date.

  1. See


21 Jun 00:02
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On behalf of the Rakudo development team, I’m very happy to announce the
June 2020 release of Rakudo #136. Rakudo is an implementation of
the Raku[^1] language.

The source tarball for this release is available from
Pre-compiled archives will be available shortly.

New in 2020.06:

    • Results of dir routine called with dirty base path are presented
      as cleaned up for some paths (like /// or a/../a) unlike
      before. While compatibility with most of other cases is preserved
      and no ecosystem fallout was observed, be cautious of the possible
      observable changes if the code does not clean dirty paths using cleanup method.
    • Since this release, when you start Raku with "-" as a single positional parameter, it
      will now check if STDIN is connected to a terminal. If it is, then
      the REPL will be started, rather than appearing to freeze waiting
      for the user to enter something and issue an EOF. If STDIN is not
      connected to a terminal, then Raku will read from STDIN and process
      that as the source of a program.
    • The run routine, Proc.spawn and are
      extended with a new argument :$win-verbatim-args defaulting to
      False. If the argument is left off or set to False, the
      arguments are quoted according to the Microsoft convention. This
      is identical to Rakus previous behavior and thus backwards
      compatible. When passing True the passed arguments are
      concatenated with a single space. No other processing takes
      place. This allows to manually quote the arguments as necessary.
  • Changes:
    • Support verbatim argument handling for Proc [709941c][9a75738]
    • Signatures of slurp and spurt routines not accepting redundant arguments is
      now compile time error rather than run-time one [22f4344]
    • The Distro.desc method now states codename for MacOS [b4b2a5e]
    • The gist method output for multi-dimensional arrays is truncated now [cfc3e57][4bfe5bd]
    • Parametrization a variable type in form my $foo is Type[Foo, Bar] works for all types now [de43f19]
    • The rotate method now returns Seq instead of List [4b501bd]
    • Add CACHEDIR.TAG to mark cache dirs as cache [37646b8][c3bdb61][ef90599]
    • Improve GNU C++ name mangling [4f672c2]
    • Make Instant.raku output simpler [c0b5fb2]
    • Improve smartmatching against Mu/Any/Junction types
      ( ~~ Mu does not die anymore, any(Mu, Any) ~~ Mu returns True now) [3b4794f][840d3e8]
  • Fixes:
    • Fix code objects created BEGIN time EVAL getting lost in precompilation [537f887][169f63d]
    • The is routine from Test module now handles types that cannot be stringified and
      compares them using raku method now [c9e9462]
    • Fix various JVM and JS backend issues [8e5b610][2b81f97]
    • Fix BEGIN time EVAL accidentally running CHECK phasers of the outer comp unit [eeb4f43][b874c68]
    • Fix results o "١٢٣".Numeric and "١٢٣".Int [c2e8b22]
    • Fix race in PIO method of IO::Handle [f33ce01]
    • Fix Date(now) call [9dcbc5f]
    • Fix .comb(Str) to ensure non-overlapping results [8d5a0f7]
    • Fix Instant.raku for Rational values [f506cc0]
    • Fix sorting of 2 element native arrays [becb85e]
    • Make sure push-all does not push when exhausted when splitting using a regex [077300c]
    • Improve error message for method calls placed after white space [4278e4c]
    • Improve X::Syntax::Variable::MissingInitializer exception's error message [ee005d8]
    • Improve X::Method::NotFound exception's error message to only suggest a submethod if correct [b02a741]
    • Improve malformed loop spec related errors [d3c3e53]
    • Improve error message for case of too many directives in routine sprintf [c988f83]
    • Improve detection of a version control conflict marker to provide an error message [65e412f]
  • Additions:
    • Add method [61046d7][999d04a]
    • Add IO::Path::Parts class [4387f28][187312b][e9ea048][30ae200]
    • Add support for printf($format, Junction) [110324d]
    • Add Supply.rotate method [9f7c927]
    • Add Capture.EXIST-POS method [6a4f79e][b55ecdf][3372352]
    • Add RAKU_REPL_OUTPUT_METHOD environment variable which sets
      the method used to stringify a value of an expression in REPL, default is gist [285717a]
    • Add :chomp named argument to Str.lines similar to the same named argument of [1bcc5d7]
  • Efficiency:
    • Make creation of regex captures faster [15961f9][272c463]
    • Make file test methods like .d or .x faster [c821bbc]
    • Make Match.caps about 35% faster [87e91de]
    • Make Str.split(Regex) up to 2x faster [9c74d98]
    • Make Str.split(Regex, *%_) up to 2x faster [a9796fe]
    • Make dir routine about 15% faster [700b743]
    • Make Blob.join between 4% and 11% faster [84ff64c]
    • Make Blob.gist about 2x as fast [b55667e]
    • Make QuantHash implementation a bit faster [4a728f2]
    • Make IO::Spec::Win32.basename about 1.7x as fast [ecd06c9]
    • Make IO::Spec::Win32.tmpdir about 1.8x as fast [6d427d4]
    • Make IO::Spec::Win32.path about 2x as fast [1a8e07c]
    • Make IO::Spec::Unix.path about 3.5x as fast [8dc58ab]
    • Make IO::Spec::Unix.basename and IO::Spec::Unic.extension about 1.7x as fast [f89fad8]
    • Make IO::Spec::Unix.tmpdir about 1.8x as fast [a2860ea]
    • Make WhateverCode.ACCEPTS about 2x as fast [853e622]
    • Make IO::Path.sibling about 2x as fast [a5eb1d4]
    • Make IO::Path.succ and IO::Path.pred about 3x as fast [26b9f38][7238b09]
    • Make IO::Path.parent about 2.7x as fast [71cb0c5]
    • Make IO::Path.parent(N) about 2x as fast [f93ce87]
    • Make IO::Path.child about 1.4x as fast [f5b2c24]
    • Make IO::Path.add about 1.25x as fast [718d305]
    • Make IO::Path.dir between 1.5x and 2.2x as fast [b63976a]
    • Make a bit faster [fc88b9c][bd7fcb2]
    • Make IO::Path.spurt up to 35% faster [7571f65]
    • Make IO::Path.slurp up to 4.7x as fast [d03fa4b][cde948a][36d89cf]
    • Make slurp routine up to 40% faster [f3baa38][fc3e1ae]
    • Make spurt routine a few % faster [da5825e]
    • Make Str.Numeric about 4.3x as fast [a0e5841]
    • Make .IO method and about 2x as fast [2a88990]
    • Make IO::Spec.curupdir about 25% faster [6a0eaab][16d93e2]
    • Make "42".Int about 4.3x faster [3ee1777]
    • Reduce overhead of Code.ACCEPTS(value) by 20% [2eec62f]
    • Make so and not routines faster [d8c2650][8a3c36f][5c93dda][cb69cfc]
    • Optimize symbol lookup [c5f5d7e][dc6594d][5d61b3d]
    • Prevent $*OUT lookup for each eigenstate of Junction when calling print or put [4297cb0]
    • Make printf routine up to 5% faster [e46d459]
    • Streamline variable is and of handling [5561669]
    • Make Hash.sort a tiny bit faster [cd61724]
    • Various small optimizations [a907497][b50fd8b][65e17c4]
  • Internal:

The following people contributed to this release:

Elizabeth Mattijsen, Juan Julián Merelo Guervós, Patrick Böker,
Will "Coke" Coleda, Daniel Green, Stoned Elipot, Alexander Kiryuhin, Stefan Seifert,
Sizhe Zhao, Christian Bartolomäus, Tom Browder, Vadim Belman,
Jonathan Worthington, Tim Smith, Luis F. Uceta, andreoss, Suman Khanal,
Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev, Nicholas Clark,
Luc St-Louis, Mike Swierczek, Timo Paulssen, Ben Davies,
Wenzel P. P. Peppmeyer, Donald Hunter, Jan-Olof Hendig, Jac...

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10 May 12:49
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On behalf of the Rakudo development team, I'm announcing an
out-of-schedule release of the Rakudo compiler.
Rakudo is an implementation of the Raku1 language.

This release is a point release in addition to the regular, monthly
releases. This release fixes relocatability on Windows.
Users of other platforms or those who don't need relocatability
should continue to consider Rakudo 2020.05 release to be the latest stable.

The tarball for this release is available from
Pre-compiled archives will be available shortly.

The changes in this release are outlined below:

New in 2020.05.1:

  • Fixes:
    • Fix relocatable builds on the moar backend [46648b9]

The following people contributed to this release:

Patrick Böker, Sizhe Zhao, Alexander Kiryuhin

This release implements 6.c and 6.d versions of the Raku specification.
6.c version of the language is available if you use the use v6.c
version pragma, otherwise 6.d is the default.

Upcoming releases in 2020 will include new functionality that is not
part of 6.c or 6.d specifications, available with a lexically scoped
pragma. Our goal is to ensure that anything that is tested as part of
6.c and 6.d specifications will continue to work unchanged. There may
be incremental spec releases this year as well.

If you would like to contribute or get more information, visit,, ask on the mailing list, or ask on IRC #raku on freenode.

Additionally, we invite you to make a donation to The Perl Foundation
to sponsor Raku development:
(put “Raku Core Development Fund” in the ‘Purpose’ text field)

The next release of Rakudo (#136), is tentatively scheduled for 2020-06-20.

A list of the other planned release dates is available in the
“docs/release_guide.pod” file.

The development team appreciates feedback! If you’re using Rakudo, do
get back to us. Questions, comments, suggestions for improvements, cool
discoveries, incredible hacks, or any other feedback -- get in touch with
us through (the above-mentioned) mailing list or IRC channel. Enjoy!

Please note that recent releases have known issues running on the JVM.
We are working to get the JVM backend working again but do not yet have
an estimated delivery date.

  1. See


04 May 23:47
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On behalf of the Rakudo development team, I’m very happy to announce the
May 2020 release of Rakudo #135. Rakudo is an implementation of
the Raku[^1] language.

The source tarball for this release is available from
Pre-compiled archives will be available shortly.

New in 2020.05:

The following people contributed to this release:

Elizabeth Mattijsen, Stefan Seifert, Will "Coke" Coleda,
Juan Julián Merelo Guervós, Daniel Green, Vadim Belman,
Tom Browder, Jonathan Worthington, Ben Davies, Patrick Böker, Alexander Kiryuhin,
Stoned Elipot, Christian B...

Read more


01 Mar 16:49
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On behalf of the Rakudo development team, I'm announcing an
out-of-schedule release of the Rakudo Perl 6 compiler.
Rakudo is an implementation of Perl 6 on the Moar Virtual Machine1.

This release is a point release in addition to the regular, monthly
releases. This release fixes building MoarVM on systems which are using musl,
such as Alpine GNU/Linux distro.

The tarball for this release is available from
Pre-compiled archives will be available shortly.

The changes in this release are outlined below:

New in 2020.02.1:

  • Fixes:

The following people contributed to this release:

Tassilo Philipp, Patrick Böker, Juan Julián Merelo Guervós, Alexander Kiryuhin

This release implements 6.c and 6.d versions of the Raku specification.
6.c version of the language is available if you use the use v6.c
version pragma, otherwise 6.d is the default.

Upcoming releases in 2020 will include new functionality that is not
part of 6.c or 6.d specifications, available with a lexically scoped
pragma. Our goal is to ensure that anything that is tested as part of
6.c and 6.d specifications will continue to work unchanged. There may
be incremental spec releases this year as well.

If you would like to contribute or find out more information, visit,, ask on the mailing list, or ask on IRC #perl6 on freenode.

Additionally, we invite you to make a donation to The Perl Foundation
to sponsor Perl 6 development:
(put "Perl 6 Core Development Fund" in the 'Purpose' text field)

The next release of Rakudo (#135), is tentatively scheduled for 2020-03-28.

A list of the other planned release dates is available in the
“docs/release_guide.pod” file.

The development team appreciates feedback! If you’re using Rakudo, do
get back to us. Questions, comments, suggestions for improvements, cool
discoveries, incredible hacks, or any other feedback -- get in touch with
us through (the above-mentioned) mailing list or IRC channel. Enjoy!

Please note that recent releases have known issues running on the JVM.
We are working to get the JVM backend working again but do not yet have
an estimated delivery date.

  1. See <


23 Feb 15:28
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On behalf of the Rakudo development team, I’m very happy to announce the
February 2020 release of Rakudo #134. Rakudo is an implementation of
the Raku[^1] language.

The source tarball for this release is available from
Pre-compiled archives will be available shortly.

New in 2020.02:

The following people contributed to this release:

Elizabeth Mattijsen, Juan Julián Merelo Guervós, Jonathan Worthington,
Stoned Elipot, Vadim Belman, Patrick Böker, Daniel Green, Will "Coke"
Coleda, Alexander Kiryuhin, Ben Davies, Stefan Seifert, Trey Harris,
Christian Bartolomäus, Josh Soref, Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev,
Brian Duggan, Luis F. Uceta, Mikhail Khorkov, Tom Browder, Jan-Olof Hendig,
Jeremy Studer, Konrad Bucheli, Rod Taylor, Samantha McVey, Bahtiar Gadimov,
Ven de Thiel.

This release implements 6.c and 6.d versions of the Raku specification.
6.c version of the language is available if you use the use v6.c
version pragma, otherwise 6.d is the default.

Upcoming releases in 2020 will include new functionality that is not
part of 6.c or 6.d specifications, available with a lexically scoped
pragma. Our goal is to ensure that anything that is tested as part of
6.c and 6.d specifications will continue to work unchanged. There may
be incremental spec releases this year as well.

If you would like to contribute or find out more information, visit,, ask on the mailing list, or ask on IRC #raku on freenode.

Additionally, we invite you t...

Read more


27 Jan 22:07
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On behalf of the Rakudo development team, I’m very happy to announce the
January 2020 release of Rakudo #133. Rakudo is an implementation of
the Raku[^1] language.

The source tarball for this release is available from
Pre-compiled archives will be available shortly.

New in 2020.01:

Read more

Release #132 (2019.11)

26 Nov 21:20
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On behalf of the Rakudo development team, I’m very happy to announce the
November 2019 release of Rakudo #132. Rakudo is an implementation of
Raku on the Moar Virtual Machine1.

This release implements 6.c and 6.d versions of the Raku specification.
6.c version of the language is available if you use the use v6.c
version pragma, otherwise 6.d is the default.

Upcoming releases in 2019 will include new functionality that is not
part of 6.c or 6.d specifications, available with a lexically scoped
pragma. Our goal is to ensure that anything that is tested as part of
6.c and 6.d specifications will continue to work unchanged. There may
be incremental spec releases this year as well.

The tarball for this release is available from

Please note: This announcement is not for the Rakudo Star
distribution2 — it’s announcing a new release of the compiler
only. For the latest Rakudo Star release, see

The changes in this release are outlined below:

New in 2019.11:

    • Perl 6 is now Raku! This release comes with initial changes
      required for the language rename. For more info see
      Path to Raku
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed the signature of signal [eb88e64][fcf1f76][a46c414]
    • Fixed laziness propagation in KeyValue/Pair iterators [abbd128]
    • Fixed loading of COREs allowing for defining new symbols for
      new language releases [56af07b]
    • die and fail now use $! from the calling lexical scope if
      called without arguments [56af07b]
    • Fixed a bug in require with incorrect installation of imported
      submodules [56af07b]
    • Fixed outer signatures getting into string interpolation
    • Fixed segfault when using meta ops in threaded code [60cfbb3]
    • Fixed Maps to keep containers [2ee82af][42d6e0b][cb1fbf6]
    • Made sure takes right candidate
    • Fixed passing of formatter in operations on Date objects
    • Fixed .wrap when used with callsame/nextsame/etc. [da65fb5]
    • Fixed a bug when a wrapped method is called first [2e915d7]
    • Fixed :D check when used with where [58c2d64]
    • Made socket family handling portable [16607d3][17f6603]
    • Fixed RakuDoc parser to allow empty config values [7c3b257]
    • Fixed handling of :every(Inf) in ThreadPoolScheduler.cue
    • Fixed exception propagation with race inside race [9d1505d]
    • Fixed Proc to return Failure with non-zero signals [89fc9f3]
    • Made sure that doing keep/break on a vow more than once throws
    • Made sure that Backtrace.list lists all the frames [559c24f]
    • Made the Buf.write-* methods return self [dae981e]
    • Allowed type objects on Buf.write-int/num/bits [43b5e76]
  • Changes:
    • [6.e] Pseudo-packages now return Failure for a missing
      symbol (was Nil) [56af07b]
    • EVAL no longer wraps evaluated code into own CORE context but
      shares the one used by the calling scope. It also means that
      use v6.X statement is not effective inside EVALs anymore
    • [6.e] Grammar now returns Failure when failing to parse
  • Additions:
    • [6.e] LEXICAL:: pseudo-package includes all symbols visible in
      the lexical scope, including dynamic symbols from caller
      chain [56af07b]
    • [6.e] SETTING:: pseudo-package includes all symbols from all
      available COREs [56af07b]
    • [6.e] UNIT:: pseudo-package includes all lexicals visible at
      unit level [56af07b]
    • [6.e] Symbol binding is now possible for all
      pseudo-packages [56af07b]
    • Individual language-release COREs are now accessible
      via CORE::v6<rev> namespaces. [6a88590]
    • Added GB2312 and GB18030 encodings [a95cb03][4cee2c3]
    • Added support for Unicode v12.1 [f5ef0b3][7056a25]
  • Build system:
  • Efficiency:
  • Internal:
    • NQP vars and ops will now default to int instead of num [290cd79]
    • Optimizer: Don't use Int*Ref in first arg
      of if/unless/while/until [84ee0c8]
    • Fixed BYTE_SUPPLY_DECODER breaking after exceptions [9162431]
    • Reduced .moarvm size by replacing die by [6d8f405][88dfe55]
    • Stagestats are now shown for dependent precompilation [238f8e5]
    • Added more tests for symbols in CORE and SETTING [5cd45f9]
    • Added nqp::p6client* family of ops for finding first Raku
      caller from different package and determining its language
      version [86525a3]
    • Added nqp::p6getlexclient op and $*OPTIMIZER-SYMBOLS
    • Added Sprintf.pm6 stub for development convenience [4bd25bf]
    • Fixed inconsistent state of NativeCall subs after
      repossession [573f6a2]
    • Fixed native subs declared in BEGIN blocks and role
      bodies [e45bb34]
    • Fixed optimizer interfering with some native subs [d662912]
    • Fixed leaking an open file handle when re-precompiling [2dd570d]

The following people contributed to this release:

Vadim Belman, JJ Merelo, Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev, Timo Paulssen,
Patrick Böker, Stefan Seifert, Daniel Green, Elizabeth Mattijsen,
Tom Browder, Will "Coke" Coleda, Juan Julián Merelo Guervós, Bart Wiegmans,
Paweł Murias, Jonathan Worthington, Antonio, Ben Davies, Samantha McVey,
threadless-screw, ZhongnianTao, Stoned Elipot, Altai-man, Luis F. Uceta,
Jan-Olof Hendig, cfa, Christian Bartolomäus, Stéphane Payrard,
Peter du Marchie van Voorthuysen, cygx, Greg Donald, Naoum Hankache,
finanalyst, holli-holzer, Alexander, German Rodriguez Herrera, Nick Logan,
Stefan Fischer, ab5tract, Chloé Kekoa, Dominika Góral, Paul Marquess, sarna,
stoned, Aearnus, Claudio Ramirez, Clifton Wood, David Warring,
Deven T. Corzine, Jack Kuan, Jeremy Studer, Jimmy Zhuo, Kent Fredric,
Kevin Pye, Larry Wall, Mike Swierczek, Moritz Lenz, Nele Schwarz,
Salve J. Nilsen, Skye Shaw, Suman Khanal, Tim Van den Langenbergh,
Tobias Boege, alanrocker, lukasvalle, peschwa, tusindfryd

If you would like to contribute or find out more information, visit,, ask on the mailing list, or ask on IRC #raku on freenode.

Additionally, we invite you to make a donation to The Perl Foundation
to sponsor Raku development:
(put “Raku Core Development Fund” in the ‘Purpose’ text field)

The next release of Rakudo (#133), is tentatively scheduled for 2019-12-21.

A list of the other planned release dates is available in the
“docs/release_guide.pod” file.

The development team appreciates feedback! If you’re using Rakudo, do
get back to us. Questions, comments, suggestions for improvements, cool
discoveries, incredible hacks, or any other feedback – get in touch with
us through (the above-mentioned) mailing list or IRC channel. Enjoy!

Please note that recent releases have known issues running on the JVM.
We are working to get the JVM backend working again but do not yet have
an estimated delivery date.

The Rakudo compiler is a compiler for the Raku language.
Not much more.

The Rakudo Star distribution is the Rakudo compiler plus a selection
of useful Raku modules, a module installer, Raku introductory
documentation, and other software that can be used with the Rakudo
compiler to enhance its utility.

  1. See

  2. What’s the difference between the Rakudo compiler and the Rakudo
    Star distribution?

Release 2019.07.1

28 Jul 16:55
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On behalf of the Rakudo development team, I'm announcing an
out-of-schedule release of the Rakudo Perl 6 compiler.
Rakudo is an implementation of Perl 6 on the Moar Virtual Machine1.

This release is a point release in addition to the regular
releases. Rakudo 2019.07 (note: no .1) was discovered to have some
issues with the build system that affected packaging. Moreover, this
release comes with a corresponding MoarVM point release which has some
important stability and reliability fixes.

The tarball for this release is available from

Please note: This announcement is not for the Rakudo Star
distribution2 — it’s announcing a new release of the compiler
only. For the latest Rakudo Star release, see

The changes in this release are outlined below:

New in 2019.07.1:

  • Build system:
    • Fixed issues when installing into /usr [f41db04]
    • Fixed unnecessary use of git in release tarballs [540926b][e18b4f3]
    • Fixed intermittent failures in one of the performance tests [bd29d3f]

The following people contributed to this release:

Patrick Böker, Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev, Timo Paulssen,
Jonathan Worthington, Stefan Seifert, Samantha McVey

If you would like to contribute or find out more information, visit,, ask on the mailing list, or ask on IRC #perl6 on freenode.

Additionally, we invite you to make a donation to The Perl Foundation
to sponsor Perl 6 development:
(put “Perl 6 Core Development Fund” in the ‘Purpose’ text field)

The next release of Rakudo (#132), is tentatively scheduled for 2019-09-21.

A list of the other planned release dates is available in the
“docs/release_guide.pod” file.

The development team appreciates feedback! If you’re using Rakudo, do
get back to us. Questions, comments, suggestions for improvements, cool
discoveries, incredible hacks, or any other feedback – get in touch with
us through (the above-mentioned) mailing list or IRC channel. Enjoy!

Please note that recent releases have known issues running on the JVM.
We are working to get the JVM backend working again but do not yet have
an estimated delivery date.

The Rakudo compiler is a compiler for the Perl 6 language.
Not much more.

The Rakudo Star distribution is the Rakudo compiler plus a selection
of useful Perl 6 modules, a module installer, Perl 6 introductory
documentation, and other software that can be used with the Rakudo
compiler to enhance its utility.

  1. See

  2. What’s the difference between the Rakudo compiler and the Rakudo
    Star distribution?