A React Native component which is used to represent array of text. Inspired from material design chips
npm i react-native-chips --save
import ReactChipsInput from 'react-native-chips';
< ReactChipsInput
label="Enter Fruits" initialChips={["Apple", "Orange"]}
onChangeChips={(chips) => console.log(chips)}
chipStyle={{ borderColor: 'blue', backgroundColor: 'grey' }}
inputStyle={{fontSize: 22}}
labelStyle={{ color: 'blue'}}
labelOnBlur={{ color: '#666' }} />
name | description | type | default |
label | Placeholder for the Text input | String | 'Enter your text' |
initialChips | Initial Chips to be present | Array | - |
onChangeChips | To get the value of chips in array | Function | - |
alertRequired | To trigger alert on adding and removing chips | Boolean | false |
chipStyle | Changing the style of chip elements | Style Object | - |
inputStyle | Changing the style of input Text box | Style Object | - |
labelStyle | Changing the style of label inside the text box | Style Object | - |
labelOnBlur | Changing the style of label when focused | Style Object | - |
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
react-native-chips is MIT License @ Ramprasath R