This is a set of general purpose OpenCV helpers that I have accumulated over the years. Here's an example of some of the library's functionality:
For more documentation, check out the doxygen pages.
#include "rcv.hpp"
template<class T>
bool pixel_check(int r, int c, cv::Mat image, double param)
assert(image.channels() == 1);
return<T>(r,c) < param;
int main()
cv::Mat image0, image1, image2, image3;
////////////////// Image Concatenation //////////////////
// Horizontally concatenate two images
cv::Mat combo1 = rcv::hcat(image0, image1);
// hcat is overloaded to work with vectors of images
cv::Mat combo2 = rcv::hcat({image0, image1, image2, image3});
// You can vertically concatenate as well
cv::Mat combo3 = rcv::vcat({image0, image1, image2});
// Creating grids of images is easy:
cv::Mat grid = rcv::vcat(
rcv::hcat(image0, image1),
rcv::hcat(image2, image3)
////////////////// Plotting //////////////////
// There is some super basic plotting implemented:
std::vector<float> values(100);
// Plot with autoscale and a white line
cv::Mat plot = rcv::plot(values.begin(), values.end(), cv::Size(300, 100));
// Plot with a fixed scale (from 0 to 1) and a red line
cv::Mat plot = rcv::plot(values.begin(), values.end(), cv::Size(300, 100),
0.0, 1.0, cv::Scalar(0,0,255));
// Plot with an autoscaled minimum value, a fixed maximum value and a blue line
cv::Mat plot = rcv::plot(values.begin(), values.end(), cv::Size(300, 100),
rcv::autoscale, 100.0, cv::Scalar(0,0,255));
////////////////// Color Mapping //////////////////
// Dave Green's cubehelix algorithm is implemented to create beautiful RGB
// colormaps from single-channel data
rcv::cubehelix maphelix;
cv::Mat beautifulimage = maphelix(image0);
////////////////// Type Dispatching //////////////////
cv::Mat mysterious_matrix = getMysteriousMatrix();
bool pixel_ok = RCV_DISPATCH(mysterious_matrix.type(),
pixel_check, 0, 0, mysterious_matrix, 30.0);
return 0;
Beware that I really haven't optimized any of this code! The image concatentation is particuarly inefficient, as it involves copying a ton of data when concatenating many images. If you would like to speed this up, let me know as I have some ideas of how to do it.