App made with Node.JS / React / Motoko / ICP. Studied from app brewery.
- Find out your principal id:
dfx identity get-principal
- Save it somewhere.
e.g. My principal id is: ovfw5-vub3t-or2yj-fwsvp-htzvw-pntkf-ija3u-42dlj-7okbd-jt56d-yae
- Format and store it in a command line variable:
OWNER_PUBLIC_KEY="principal \"$( \dfx identity get-principal )\""
- Check that step 3 worked by printing it out:
- Check the owner's balance:
dfx canister call token balanceOf "( $OWNER_PUBLIC_KEY )"
- Check canister ID:
dfx canister id token
- Save canister ID into a command line variable:
CANISTER_PUBLIC_KEY="principal \"$( \dfx canister id token )\""
- Check canister ID has been successfully saved:
- Transfer half a billion tokens to the canister Principal ID:
dfx canister call token transfer "($CANISTER_PUBLIC_KEY, 500_000_000)"
- Create and deploy canisters:
dfx deploy --network ic
- Check the live canister ID:
dfx canister --network ic id token
- Save the live canister ID to a command line variable:
LIVE_CANISTER_KEY="principal \"$( \dfx canister --network ic id token )\""
- Check that it worked:
- Transfer some tokens to the live canister:
dfx canister --network ic call token transfer "($LIVE_CANISTER_KEY, 50_000_000)"
- Get live canister front-end id:
dfx canister --network ic id token_assets
- Copy the id from step 6 and add to the end to form a URL. e.g.