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rdsh, the Redis shell
R. Carbone (rocco@tecsiel.it)
4Q 2018
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
Table of contents:
- Hello world!
- Screenshots
Hello world, I am rdsh, the Redis shell.
So, is rdsh a shell? No, no! rdsh is a Redis client. No, no again!
Ok, let me explain.
rdsh is a hack of the tcsh, mainly implemented to add Redis client functionalities into a shell.
rdsh is several things at the same time: a shell, a Redis client, a Redis terminal-based program to create/read/administer Redis databases in character based terminals and finally a rendering engine for Redis data structures.
So rdsh is surely a shell, because all of the existing native tcsh functionalities are left unchanged.
But rdsh is also a Redis client because it has builtin extensions that allow you to manage one or more Redis server at the same time.
All in a single program without leaving your native job enviroment!
Have fun!