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Rodrigo Dlu dotfiles

My dotfiles

Intended use with:

  • ArchLinux
  • Fedora
  • TMUX
  • FISH shell
  • WezTerm
  • GNU Stow


Having installed at least git, fish, tmux, stow, starship; you can use the ./ inside this folder to create the symlinks with gnu stow.

Check inside the setup folder, at least the *-base scripts to follow what's needed to install with your package manager.

TMUX Basics

I have an alias to open or continue a new TMUX session: mux or mux1 (for the second muxer)

CTRL + A PREFIX to activate tmux commands, then:

Key (After Prefix) Action
c New Tab (Window)
1 2 3...9 Change to tab #1 to #9
! Promotes Pane to Tab
, Rename Tab
w List Windows
f Find Window
& Kill Window
. Move Window (prompt #)
:movew + <ENTER> Move Window (unused #)
$ Rename Session

TMUX Plugins (with TPM)

TMUX copycat

Use PREFIX CTRL + A, then:

Key (After Prefix) Action
/ regex search + copy mode
n jumps to the next match in copy mode
N jumps to the previous match
y copy entire line
Enter copy highlighted match


  • y copy selection to system clipboard

Tip with Mouse Support: press y before releasing mouse.

Fuzzy Search With Extrakto

Key (After Prefix) Action
tab Fuzzy search + fzf mode
enter copy selection inside fzf mode
# Arch
yay -S fzf
# MacOS Brew
brew install fzf

TMUX Resurrect

Use PREFIX CTRL + A, then:

Key (After Prefix) Action
Ctrl + s save all tabs
Ctrl + r restore all tabs

Navigation with TMUX Pain Control

Splitting panes

Key (After Prefix) Action
| split current pane horizontally
- split current pane vertically

Basic Navigation

Key (After Prefix) Action
h C-h select pane on the left
j C-j select pane below the current
k C-k select pane above the current
l C-l select pane on the right

Resizing panes

Key (After Prefix) Action
S-h resize left
S-j resize up
S-k resize down
S-l resize right

Swapping windows

Key (After Prefix) Action
< moves one position to the left
> moves one position to the right

TMUX Sessionist

Key (After Prefix) Action
g prompts for session name and switches to it
S-c prompt for creating a new session by name
S-x kill current session without detaching tmux
S-s switches to the last session
@ promote current pane into a new session

TMUX urlview

Key (After Prefix) Action
u list all urls on a side-panel


# Arch
yay -S urlview
# Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install urlview
# MacOS Brew
brew install urlview

TMUX open

Key (After Prefix) Action
o "open" a highlighted selection with the system default program
Ctrl + o open a highlighted selection with the $EDITOR

Linux Pre-reqs: xdg-open

TMUX Logging

Key (After Prefix) Action
Shift + p start/stop logging
Alt + p log current screen
Alt + Shift + p Save complete history

TPM Plugins

To manage plugins, open tmux.conf in your editor, and go to set -g @tpm_plugin section.

Key (After Prefix) Action
S-i install new plugin
S-u updates all plugins