Stuff I did with Angular
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mosh01 | TypeScript and Object-oriented Programming Fundamentals |
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mosh02 | Create an authors component and service with array |
mosh03 | Create a toggle star component with CSS class binding |
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mosh04 | Create an input field with TWO-WAY binding; Create a custom PIPE |
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mosh05 | Create a standalone component with @Input fields; Uses Bootstrap; Uses font-awesome |
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mosh06 | Create a standalone component with @Input fields; Uses Bootstrap v4.0.0; Uses font-awesome |
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mosh07 | Create a standalone TEMPLATE DRIVEN form component with @Input fields; Uses Bootstrap v.4.0.0; Form validation for required fields, etc...; error messages; drop-down fields, check-box fields, JSON pipe to debug field values |
mosh08 | Create a standalone REACTIVE form component; Uses Bootstrap; Form validation for required fields, etc...; error messages; with custom validator and async validator, simulates reset password mechanism |
forms01 | This app has 2 REACTIVE forms examples: signup-form and array-form. async validations, custom validator, dynamic reactive form |
mosh11 | LOGIN FORM with USR/PWD; Uses RouterModule; Mockup server for auth; JSON Web Tokens (JWT); uses angular2-jwt library; with 'not authorized' route component, with AuthGuard service to control access to routes, redirects to correct page after loging in, show/hide DOM elements, protects API endpoints |
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forms02 | HTTP CRUD example, Reactive form with HTTP api, CRUD example, Uses Bootstrap, Error Handling class implementation, Service data implementation |
mosh09 | Calling GITHUB API, Reactive form with HTTP api, Lists followers from GITHUB api, Uses Bootstrap, Error Handling class implementation, Service data implementation |
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mosh10 | Router app with 2 pages, Uses RouterModule, Reads URL params, navigates using routerLink directive, with different routes, with 'not found' route component |
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firebase-demo | Read data from Firebase; Example with and without async pipe ; CRUD methods |
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animations-demo | uses Angular Animation; transitions; custom states; polyfills |
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material-demo | uses Angular Material; implements Material Typography; example with different UI objects; Dialog popup example with data |
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redux-demo | uses library angular-redux/store |
redux-todo-app | uses library angular-redux/store |
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testing-demo | Unit Testing example; Uses Karma; Uses Jasmine |