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Releases: realm/SwiftLint

0.36.0: 👕👚👗

24 Oct 22:26
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  • SwiftLint now requires Swift 5.0 or higher to build.
    JP Simard


  • None.


  • Add contains_over_range_nil_comparison opt-in rule to prefer
    using contains over comparison of range(of:) to nil.
    Colton Schlosser

  • Make contains_over_first_not_nil rule also match first(where:) == nil.
    Colton Schlosser

  • Add two new cases to the Mark rule to detect a Mark using three slashes.

  • Add flatmap_over_map_reduce opt-in rule to prefer
    using flatMap over map { ... }.reduce([], +).
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Add autocorrection to syntactic_sugar.
    Ivan Vavilov

  • Make toggle_bool rule substitution correctable.

  • Optimize the performance of redundant_void_return rule.
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Support building with Swift 5.1 on Linux.
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Add raw_value_for_camel_cased_codable_enum opt-in rule to enforce raw values
    for camel cased Codable String enum cases.
    Marko Pejovic

  • Speedup LetVarWhiteSpacesRule.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix running analyzer rules on the output of builds performed with
    Xcode 11 or later.
    JP Simard

0.35.0: Secondary Lint Trap

03 Sep 14:08
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This is the last release to support building with Swift 4.2.x.


  • None.


  • None.


  • Type name rules considers SwiftUI template code.

  • Add no_space_in_method_call rule to validate that there're no spaces
    between the method name and parentheses in a method call.
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Add contains_over_filter_count opt-in rule to warn against using
    expressions like filter(where:).count > 0 instead of contains(where:).
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Add contains_over_filter_is_empty opt-in rule to warn against using
    expressions like filter(where:).isEmpty instead of contains(where:).
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Add empty_collection_literal opt-in rule to prefer using isEmpty to
    comparison to [] or [:].
    Colton Schlosser

Bug Fixes

0.34.0: Anti-Static Wool Dryer Balls

19 Jul 01:37
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  • To enable collecting rules, many breaking changes to SwiftLintFramework's
    public API were made the Linter type was significantely changed, and a new
    CollectedLinter type was introduced. Many public SwiftLintFramework APIs
    that interacted with Linter have also been affected. More new types and
    protocols were added such as RuleStorage, AnyCollectingRule,
    CollectingRule, CollectingCorrectableRule.
    We are not aware of any significant users of the SwiftLintFramework library,
    so if you are affected by this, please reach out to SwiftLint contributors by
    filing a GitHub issue about your use case.
    Elliott Williams
    JP Simard


  • Add a two-stage CollectingRule protocol to support rules that collect data
    from all files before validating. Collecting rules implement a collect
    method which is called once for every file, before any file is checked for
    violations. By collecting, rules can be written which validate across
    multiple files for things like unused declarations.
    Elliott Williams

  • Add a new unused_declaration analyzer rule to lint for unused declarations.
    By default, detects unused fileprivate, private and internal
    declarations. Configure the rule with include_public_and_open: true to
    also detect unused public and open declarations.
    JP Simard

  • Completely remove the unused_private_declaration rule. Please use
    unused_declaration instead.
    JP Simard


  • None.

Bug Fixes

  • None.

0.33.1: Coin-Operated Property Wrapper

08 Jul 15:56
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  • None.


  • None.


  • Significantly improve performance when running with a large number of cached
    configurations or when running with many cached results.
    This was done by splitting each configuration to have its own cache and by
    encoding the cache as a binary property list instead of json.
    Colton Schlosser
    JP Simard

  • Several public types in SwiftLintFramework have added Codable conformance:
    Location, RuleDescription, RuleKind, StyleViolation, SwiftVersion,
    JP Simard

  • Print full relative path to file in log output when it matches the file name
    of another path being linted.
    Keith Smiley

Bug Fixes

  • Don't trigger vertical_parameter_alignment violations when using parameters
    with attributes such as @ViewBuilder in function declarations.
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Fix false positive in function_default_parameter_at_end rule when using
    a closure parameter with default value.
    Marcelo Fabri

0.33.0: Worldwide Dryers Conference

02 Jun 17:08
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  • Remove the weak_computed_property rule. Please see linked issue for
    discussion and rationale.
    JP Simard


  • None.


  • Add " - " delimiter to allow commenting SwiftLint commands without triggering
    Kevin Randrup

  • Make testSimulateHomebrewTest() test opt-in because it may fail on unknown
    environment variable to test like:

    swift test --filter testSimulateHomebrewTest

    Norio Nomura

  • Add option to configure how nested types should be separated in file names by
    introducting nested_type_separator configuration for the file_name rule.
    Frederick Pietschmann

  • Add unowned_variable_capture opt-in rule to warn against unowned captures
    in closures when using Swift 5.
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Don't trigger a no_fallthrough_only violation if next case is an
    @unknown default.
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Add duplicate_enum_cases rule to validate that an enum doesn't contain
    duplicated cases, as it's impossible to switch on it
    (see SR-10077 for details).
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Add legacy_multiple opt-in rule to warn against using the remainder operator
    (%) checking for a remainder of zero when using Swift 5.
    Marcelo Fabri

Bug Fixes

  • Don't trigger redundant_void_return violations when using subscript as the
    return type is required.
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Skip module import if cursor info is missing module info.

  • Don't trigger file_types_order violations in files only containing
    Sam Rayner

  • Force-unwrapping self should trigger a violation of the force_unwrapping
    Dalton Claybrook

0.32.0: Wash-N-Fold-N-Reduce

29 Apr 04:44
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This release has improved support for building and running SwiftLint using Swift 5, adds seven new (super useful) rules and fixes a number of false positives or missing violations.


  • None.


  • None.


  • Add reduce_boolean rule to prefer simpler constructs over reduce(Boolean).
    Xavier Lowmiller

  • Add nsobject_prefer_isequal rule to warn against implementing == on an
    NSObject subclass as calling isEqual (i.e. when using the class from
    Objective-C) will not use the defined == method.
    Matthew Healy

  • Add reduce_into opt-in rule to encourage the use of reduce(into:_:)
    instead of reduce(_:_:) which is less performant.
    Dalton Claybrook

  • Remove @ mark to fix invalid link in
    Hiroki Nagasawa

  • Add new opt-in rule file_types_order to specify how the types in a file
    should be sorted.
    Cihat Gündüz

  • Add new opt-in rule type_contents_order to specify the order of subtypes,
    properties, methods & more within a type.
    Cihat Gündüz

  • Add nslocalizedstring_require_bundle rule to ensure calls to
    NSLocalizedString specify the bundle where the strings file is located.
    Matthew Healy

  • contains_over_first_not_nil rule now also checks for firstIndex(where:).
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Add unused_capture_list rule to ensure that all references in a closure
    capture list are used.
    Dalton Claybrook

  • SwiftLint can now be compiled using Xcode 10.2.
    Marcelo Fabri
    Norio Nomura

Bug Fixes

  • Fix bug where SwiftLint ignores excluded files list in a nested configuration
    Dylan Bruschi

  • colon rule now catches violations when declaring generic types with
    inheritance or protocol conformance.
    Marcelo Fabri

  • discarded_notification_center_observer rule now checks if the observer is
    added to any collection or passed to a function before triggering the

  • Fix false positives on number_separator when the number is wrapped in
    Dalton Claybrook

  • Fix false positives on sorted_first_last when calling firstIndex and
    lastIndex method.
    Taiki Komaba

  • Fix crash when running on Linux with Swift 5 without specifying a --path
    value or specifying an empty string.
    Keith Smiley

  • Fix false positives on explicit_acl and explicit_top_level_acl rules when
    declaring extensions that add protocol conformances with Swift 5.
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Let disable all command override superfluous_disable_command rule.
    Frederick Pietschmann

  • Fix issues in explict_acl, redundant_set_access_control and
    explicit_top_level_acl rules when using Swift 5.
    Marcelo Fabri

0.31.0: Busy Laundromat

28 Feb 23:16
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  • None.


  • None.


  • Add deployment_target rule to validate that @availability attributes and
    #available conditions are not using a version that is satisfied by the
    deployment target. Since SwiftLint can't read an Xcode project, you need to
    configure this rule with these keys: iOS_deployment_target,
    macOS_deployment_target, watchOS_deployment_target and
    tvOS_deployment_target. By default, these values are configured with the
    minimum versions supported by Swift.
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Add weak_computed_property rule to warn against using weak in a computed
    property as it has no effect.
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Add SwiftVersion.five and automatically detect it when computing
    JP Simard

  • Make redundant_objc_attribute rule autocorrectable.
    Daniel Metzing

  • Add required_deinit opt-in rule to ensure that all classes have a deinit
    method. The purpose of this is to make memory leak debugging easier so all
    classes have a place to set a breakpoint to track deallocation.
    Ben Staveley-Taylor

  • nimble_operator now warns about beTrue() and beFalse().

  • Warn if a configured rule is not enabled.
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Add exclude_ranges option to number_separator for exclusion.
    Cihat Gündüz

Bug Fixes

  • Fix false positives on no_grouping_extension rule when using where
    Almaz Ibragimov

  • Fix explicit_type_interface when used in statements.
    Daniel Metzing

  • Fix lower_acl_than_parent when linting with Swift 5.
    JP Simard

  • Fix let_var_whitespace with #warning.

  • Fix excessive superfluous_disable_command violations being reported when
    using an invalid rule identifier in a disable command.
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Fix explicit_type_interface with allow_redundancy when assigning type
    references to variables.
    Cihat Gündüz

  • Fix unused_closure_parameter when argument is named self.
    Cihat Gündüz

  • Fix first_where for some calls on Realm collection types.
    Cihat Gündüz

0.30.1: Localized Stain Remover

23 Jan 19:13
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  • None.


  • Silence CodingKeys violations in unused_private_declaration since these
    should always be intentional violations.
    Kim de Vos


  • Add nslocalizedstring_key opt-in rule to validate that keys used in
    NSLocalizedString calls are static strings, so genstrings will be
    able to find them.
    Marcelo Fabri

Bug Fixes

  • Fix false positives on trailing_closure rule when using anonymous closure
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Fix false positives on array_init rule when using prefix operators.
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Exclude files defined in the excluded value of SwiftLint's configuration
    when --use-script-input-files and --force-exclude are specified.
    Luis Valdés

0.30.0: A New Washer and Dryer Set

18 Jan 07:36
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  • None.


  • None.


  • Add duplicate_imports rule to prevent importing the same module twice.
    Samuel Susla

  • Add unused_setter_value rule to validate that setter arguments are
    used in properties.
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Add only_single_muted_parameter configuration on trailing_closure rule
    to only enforce using trailing closure on functions that take one single
    muted parameter.
    Marcelo Fabri

Bug Fixes

  • Fix false positives on identical_operands rule when the right side of the
    operand has a chained optional.
    JP Simard

0.29.4: In-Unit Operands

16 Jan 22:30
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  • None.


  • Fix unused_import correction deleting unrelated ranges when there are
    multiple violations in a single file.
    JP Simard


  • Add strong_iboutlet opt-in rule to enforce that @IBOutlets are not
    declared as weak.
    Marcelo Fabri

Bug Fixes

  • Fix inaccessible custom rules in nested configurations.
    Timofey Solonin

  • Improve superfluous_disable_command to warn against disabling non-existent
    Kim de Vos

  • Fix false positives on identical_operands rule when the right side of the
    operand does not terminate.
    Xavier Lowmiller