This is a repository that builds containers for ocs-ci. The primary purpose for doing so was to be able to run ocs-ci as the addon test suite for ocs-operator via osde2e. However, it should be possible to use the containers to run the suite anywhere.
The containers are expected to run with a service account that has admin credentials.
There's a separate test harness repository which contains a skeleton golang test suite. Check that repository for details about how the addon testing is done using osde2e in general.
Three different containers are built using this repository:
- ocsci-osd-base: This container is a staged build that contains the base image with ocs-ci installed with all its dependencies. It is built using Dockerfile_base. The images are available at
- ocsci-osd: This container contains the actual ocs-ci payload. It installs any dependencies that are not part of the "OS" and its entry point script runs the test suite. It is built using Dockerfile_ocsci and the images are available at
- osdtest: This is a container used to test various scripts in the osde2e environment before building the ocsci-osd containers with those changes. It is built using Dockerfile_osdtest and the images are available at
- Build the base image:
docker build -t -f Dockerfile_base .
- Build the addon test harness image:
docker build -t -f Dockerfile_ocsci .
- Build the base image:
docker build -t -f Dockerfile_base .
- Build the addon test harness image:
docker build -t -f Dockerfile_ocsci . \
--build-arg BASE_IMAGE_TAG=base-consumer-addon \