released this
31 Aug 17:51
17130 commits
to dev
since this release
Bug Fixes
- Avoids a race between appends and application of segment.ms that could result in a crash. by @andrwng in #12715
- Redpanda will now allocate less contiguous memory when scanning a tiered storage cache directory that contains many empty directories. by @andrwng in #13098
- Schema Registry: Check compatibility iff the schema is a new version for the subject by @BenPope in #12962
- #12926 formatting a client/fetch_session would launch an exception, clobbering the output by @andijcr in #12929
- #12985 Schema Registry:
GET /subjects/{subject}/versions/{version}/referencedby
now returns a 404 if the subject or version doesn't exist by @BenPope in #12986 - fixed very rare error when consumer group recovery was incomplete by @mmaslankaprv in #12978
- #10635 Automated topic recovery will be faster when operating on buckets with a large number of objects. by @andrwng in #10651
- reduced memory pressure and fragmentation by @mmaslankaprv in #12948
- PR #12436 [v23.1.x] txns: fix describe producers api to return correct last timestamp by @rystsov
- PR #12874 [v23.1.x] 3rdparty: Update seastar for semaphore_units fix by @BenPope
- PR #12914 [v23.1.x] storage: Make segment_appender::_flush_ops a fragmented_vector by @StephanDollberg
- PR redpanda-data/seastar#61 : Fix a bug with the epoll reactor backend potentially causing cpu spinning at 100%
Full Changelog: v23.1.16...v23.1.17