GlobaLeaks is the first Open Source Whistleblowing Framework.
It empowers anyone to easily setup and maintain their own Whistleblowing platform. It is also a collection of what are the best practices for people receiveiving and submitting material. GlobaLeaks works in various environments: media, activism, corporations, public agencies.
GlobaLeaks is under Development
First you need to install pip
easy_install pip
You need to get a copy of web2py, you can install it by doing
pip install web2py
then install Globaleaks
pip install git+git://
Under Windows|MacOSX|whatever, start the service with: globaleaks/startglobaleaks
then you will find running as a web service the following:
- whistleblowing interface binds to
- node administrator targets configuratation
- debug only global view interface:
- web2py developer access: password "globaleaks"
there are the configuration file with all the required, optional and mandatory fields that an admin could change. When globaleaks is started, the request of a controller that require a proper configuration will redirect to the configuration page. The admin provide with the few mandatory information, and the file globaleaks.conf is saved.
When the login is requested to access as node maintainer, the default login is in: node_admin_username = admin@globaleaks.local
The file globaleaks/globaleaks.conf contain your personal configuration: mail server, installation name, and usually don't be shared
- You need to get a copy of web2py and install it (that means get the necessary gluons into $PYTHON_PATH)
- You need to know the MVC programming model, and the web2py framework documentation.
- Read & understand the issue list
- When globaleaks is running, you could check the reachable pages, this is the expanded list get from
You are invited to develop, using the web admin interface, because apply automatic checks before saving the code.
- GlobaLeaks website
- code repository
- GL's blogroll
- mailing list "people"
- GL's twitter
- GlobaLeaks documentation
- launchpad old project page
- old list of features
- old site, old ideas, old goals
- old trac, old ideas, old goals
- Enter the Ninja
- the Target's lament: don't make me a target