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Xresource Loading

Ken Gilmer edited this page Nov 20, 2021 · 5 revisions


This page describes how Regolith 2.0 loads Xresource files upon session init.

Xresource Loading

User logs in, regolith-session-init is called, following logic executes

  1. All files in /etc/regolith/Xresources.d are merged in alpha descending order.
  2. ~/.Xresources is merged (Not used by Regolith, simply for users that already have general Xresources setup)
  3. ~/.config/regolith/Xresources is loaded
  4. If regolith.look.path is defined and is a valid file path to an Xresource file it is loaded. Else, hard-coded Xresource file /usr/share/regolith-look/minimal/root is loaded.
  5. gnome-session and window manager are loaded.

Files and logic being deprecated

  1. Deprecate ~/.Xresource-regolith
  2. Deprecate /etc/regolith/styles/root