Hi folks!
Here you can access and to download a apresentation explaing how Git works. You will see:
System control version GIT
Plataforms that use GIT
Difference between Git and GitHub/GitLab
How commit works
What is branches and how you can use branches
Best practices to use git
Instalar o git
sudo apt install git -
Configurando usuário e e-mail do git local
git config --global user.name "Seu Nome"
git config --global user.email "seu_email@email.com" -
Gerar a chave SSH
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "seu_email@email.com" -
Insira sua chave na plataforma desejada (GitLab para esse tutorial)
gedit ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub (Abre um txt com sua SSH)
ssh -T git@gitlab.com (Teste para verificar se esta funcionando)