A little wrapper for the DocusignEx 2.1 API
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding docusign_ex
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
[{:docusign_ex, "~> 2.0.0"}]
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/docusign_ex.
From version 2.0.0 now you need to create an Auth config to use all functionality. This helps standarize the way auth is used and also it possibilitate the use of different users, something that wasn't possible in the previous interation.
In the DocusignEx.Auth
module you can use both config/1
and config/3
to get a DocusignEx.Auth.Config
iex> DocusignEx.Auth.config("test_user", "test_pwd", "test_integration_key")
username: "test_user",
password: "test_password",
integrator_key: "test_integrator_key",
base_url: nil
The base_url
will be filled when you login using DocusignEx.Auth.login/1
You only need to login once because this login action will only retrieve your base user URL and credentials will be sent with every request.
Yes, we should be using oAuth, maybe in the future we´ll update this
All API errors will come in the way of a map:
%{error: "", description: ""}
All envelope related functionality it´s in the DocusignEx.Envelope
module. You can do the next actions:
- Sending an envelope
- Retrieve an envelope data
- Resending an envelope
- Updating an envelope
- Retrieve the envelope documents
- Download an specific document
iex> DocusignEx.Envelope.send_envelope(%AuthConfig{}, %{"some" => "envelope_data"})
"envelopeId" => "5aadc814-53be-4a03-8590-6cf381faa163",
"status" => "sent",
"statusDateTime" => "2017-07-17T17:53:51.0370000Z",
"uri" => "/envelopes/5aadc814-53be-4a03-8590-6cf381faa163"
We´ll update this when an envelope struct is written to manage the data required to send an envelope instead of just using a map
iex> DocusignEx.Envelope.get_envelope(%AuthConfig{}, "some_envelope_uid")
{:ok, %{...}}
This sends again the same envelope to the same signers.
In the future this could be updated to accept different signers from the original